Millard Oakley STEM Center - Noyce Scholarship

Noyce Scholarship

It's Not Too Late... STEM Majors, check out the Noyce Scholarship and find out how you can have scholarship funding up to $12,250 a year to complete your STEM degree and earn teaching licensure.


Supported by the National Science Foundation's
Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program

nsf graphic


Apply Now

Noyce Scholarship Application

STEM Majors

Mathematics — Physics — Chemistry — Chemical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering — Civil & Environmental Engineering

Computer Science — Electrical & Computer Engineering

Biology — Earth Sciences

Early Teaching Experience Application


Is the Tennessee Tech SMaRT - Noyce Scholarship program right for you?

The SMaRT - Noyce Program also gives Tennessee Tech STEM majors an opportunity to "try out" teaching through the Early Teaching Experience (ETE) phase of the SMaRT - Noyce program... STEM outreach opportunities and STEM professional development gives ETE interns hands-on experience.

  • Not sure you want to teach?

  • Would you like to earn up to $2,000 in an Early Teaching Experience while deciding if a career in teaching is right for you?

  • If your answer is yes, apply for the Noyce Early Teaching Experience. Please type your response as to why you are applying. 



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