Backdoor Playhouse - Special Events

Special Events

Upcoming Special Music, Literary, Film, & Open Mic Events


Backdoor Improv Troupe - TN Tech Students!

Backdoor ImprovInterested in being funny? More interested in being funny quickly? Come on down to the Backdoor Playhouse on Fridays from 4:30-5:30 and join Tennessee Tech's BACKDOOR IMPROV TROUPE.
Anyone and everyone is welcome; no audition is required! 

If you have any questions email


Big Name Entertainment at Tech!   1960-1980

The exhibit features photographs of famous people on stages; however, it also includes some great stories and historical documents that add depth to the pictures. For instance, did you know Elvis’s last scheduled concert was at Tech? Or that a major record label signed Garth Brooks after playing Tech? More importantly, how did Tennessee Tech book these big-name acts??? Creedence Clearwater Revival, Johnny Cash, Jefferson Starship, and The Temptations to name a few. The exhibit answers these questions and more. 

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