Registrar's Office - Registration

Registrar's Office

View Course Schedules


Your course registration is so important to you and to us, and we want to make sure you have the best experience possible! We know that registering for classes can be overwhelming and tricky, but we have tools to help make this process easier! Scroll through this page for steps on how to register for classes online.

For Information on how to interpret registration holds, and how to troubleshoot registration errors (click here).

Before Registering for Classes

Before you can register, you must have met with your academic advisor to receive advisement on courses you need to take. This will allow your academic advisor to also provide you with identifying the 5-digit Course Registration Numbers (CRNs) for your classes. Your academic advisor will tell you the day and time you may access course registration and give you your registration Alternate PIN (AltPin). You may log on and register on or after your scheduled registration time only.

Registration appointment times are assigned per classification and earned hours:

1st Priority
Graduate Students

2nd Priority
Seniors & Freshmen

3rd Priority

4th Priority 

"Early" or "Priority" registration is reserved only for graduate students as well as any student that has a non-flexible time commitment to the University. Athletes, student Veterans, students registered with Disability Services, Honors students, and tour guides are considered eligible for early/priority registration as those students have a non-flexible time commitment to the University. 


Registering for Classes

Step 1 | Advisement

New Students

As a newly admitted student to Tennessee Tech, you may be required to complete new student orientation as part of your enrollment process for your first semester on campus. Orientation provides new students information about their program of study (including advisement & registration), campus resources, student life, and career development opportunities. Additionally, you will be able to meet other Tech students to learn more about your major and curricular & co-curricular opportunities for students. For more information about orientation and preparing for your first semester on campus, visit the Office of New Student & Family Programs website.

New Student Orientation Info

Current Students

After your first advisement session and during your first semester on campus, you will be assigned an academic advisor. Your academic advisor (either a professional or faculty advisor) will contact you to schedule an advisement appointment once the advisement period begins for the upcoming semester. Current students will use TechConnect to schedule an appointment with their academic advisor unless otherwise instructed by the academic department or their academic advisor. Before you meet with your academic advisor, please review our "Before Advisement Checklist" that can be accessed by clicking the link below.

Advisement Information

Step 2 | Access Eagle Online

Steps to Access Eagle Online and Enter Your Pin

  • Click "Eagle" in your TechExpress account. 
  • Click "Student."
  • Click "Registration" then click on "Add or Drop Classes." Select the term and click "Submit."
  • Enter your 6-digit Alternate PIN and click "SUBMIT". This is required every time you access the add/drop menu until you have successfully registered for courses. After you are registered for courses, if you need to make an adjustment and can't find/remember your Alternate PIN, you can view it via the link "View Registration Times ..." You must select the term first, since this information is term dependent.
  • What do I do if I forgot or lost my alternate pin?
    If you meet with your advisor and receive an alternate pin number, but misplace it or otherwise are not able to recall your alternate pin number, you have a couple of options:
    • If you have already registered for a course or courses, your Eagle Online account will retain the pin once registration occurs for a term, which both you and the Registration Office will have access to at that time. You can retrieve the pin by going to Student, Registration, then click View Registration Times, Advisor, Campus Box, Confirmation Information.
      If you have already registered, but were purged from your classes, your pin is also purged at that time. You will need to contact your advisor or the Registration Office.
    • If you have not already registered, you will need to get in contact with your advisor for your alternate pin. The Registration Office will not be able to give you your alternate pin unless you have registered and it is retained within Eagle Online.
    • What do I do if I enter the wrong alternate pin too many times?
      No worries, it happens! If you enter the incorrect alternate pin too many times and it locks the system, it will reset every 15 minutes. So, if you get locked out, just retry after a little while. If you still keep getting the error, and feel like you might have been given the wrong pin, contact your advisor to verify the pin is correct. If all else fails, contact the Registration Office.

Step 3 | Adding, Dropping and Waitlisting Classes 

Adding and Dropping

Before you register for a course, you will want to ensure you know each course's delivery format (e.g. traditional/on ground, hybrid, or online). Review the Course Delivery Format resource site to know how to identify each course's delivery format (also known as "modality"). It is also important to know the various course section meanings, visit the following link to learn more -

Use these options adding and dropping classes:

  • Schedule Planner: click the Planner icon in your Tech Express account.
  • Eagle Online: add or drop classes the first 2 weeks of classes by:
    • clicking the Eagle icon in Tech Express
    • clicking Student
    • clicking Registration
    • clicking Add or Drop Classes
  • Eagle Online: drop classes after the first 2 weeks of classes by:
    • clicking the Eagle icon in Tech Express
    • clicking Student
    • clicking Registration
    • clicking Drop Form Request
  • Paper Form: add classes after the first 2 weeks of classes (with instructor approval).

Registration holds and registration errors can occur during the registration process. View the list of registration holds and errors for more guidance. 

Waitlisting Courses

Check out your options with Waitlist! Waitlist will allow you to grab the next seat in line in case a spot opens up in a section you want. 

Waitlist Info

Withdrawing from Your Courses

In the event you find yourself needing to drop all of your classes, you have the option to withdraw from the university. Please discuss this decision with your advisor or a trusted member of the university. Tech has plenty of resources to help you so that dropping your classes is not your only option! 

For more information on University Withdrawals, click the button below. 



Step 4 | Verifying and Confirming Your Schedule

Review Your Classes

If you encountered any errors while enrolling in a course (such as “the selected class is full,” “overlapping time schedule," “invalid CRN,” etc), these messages will be displayed. You can then enter another CRN or drop classes to correct these errors.


All students must confirm enrollment by the applicable deadline each semester in order to retain their schedule. Enrollment confirmation is necessary even if your fees are fully covered by a scholarship, graduate assistantship, loan, or other financial aid.

Failure to confirm enrollment by the deadline will result in schedule cancellation. Click the button below for assistance and additional information regarding the confirmation process.

Confirm Your Enrollment

