Office of the President - President's Cabinet

Philip Oldham, President

Portrait of Phil Oldham

Oldham is the chief executive officer of the university and responsible for official communication with the Tennessee Tech Board of Trustees. He directs the establishment of and commitment to the University's mission, strategic goals and objectives, and affirmative action. He directs the administration of and approves fiscal and facilities planning, as well as educational, research, and public service operations and policies of the institution. The vice presidents of Academic Affairs, Enrollment and Communication, Planning and Finance, Student Affairs, Research and Economic Development, and University Advancement report directly to the president, as does the Chief of Staff, Director of Athletics, Senior Executive for Access, Belonging, and Community Outreach, Chief Government Affairs Officer, and University Counsel.

President's Cabinet

Portrait of Kevin Braswell

Kevin Braswell

Vice President for University Advancement | (931) 372-6092 | Website

Braswell is responsible for managing the university’s comprehensive institutional advancement program. As chief development officer, he leads all fundraising, alumni and development activities. He also serves as a member of the president's cabinet to develop and support strategic decisions. As vice president, he oversees the offices of Advancement Services, Alumni Relations and Development, as well as serves as liaison with the Tennessee Tech Foundation.

Portrait of Lori Mann Bruce

Lori Mann Bruce

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs | (931) 372-3224 | Website

Bruce is the chief academic officer of the university and oversees the following university academic units: College of Agriculture and Human Ecology, College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business, College of Education & Human Sciences, College of Engineering, College of Fine Arts, College of Graduate Studies, Honors College, College of Interdisciplinary Studies, Volpe Library, and the Whitson-Hester School of Nursing. Additionally, the following programs report to the provost: Academic Support, Accreditation, Assessment and Faculty Development, Digital and Distance Education, Institutional Research, and Military Science.

University Logo

Zhanjiang (John) Liu

Vice President for Research | (931) 372-3897 | Website

The vice president for Research and Economic Development provides leadership of research efforts in strategic alignment with regional economic development efforts. Liu provides leadership for the Office of Sponsored Research, and oversees Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and the Center for the Management, Utilization and Protection of Water Resources.

Portrait of Karen Lykins

Karen Lykins

Vice President for Enrollment & Communication | (931) 372-3294 | Website

Lykins leads the division of Enrollment and Communication, which provides leadership, service and infrastructure for attracting, enrolling and graduating the next generation of Golden Eagles. EC focuses on the undergraduate student life cycle through the departments that comprise the division in order to provide services and resources to prospective and currently enrolled students, parents, families, faculty, and staff.

Portrait of Mustafa Rajabali

Mustafa Rajabali

President of Faculty Senate | (931) 372-3044 | Website

Rajabali serves as the president of Tech's Faculty Senate, which is the representative voice of the teaching and research faculty and provides a forum for the free discussion of any issue of interest or of concern to members of the faculty. It also serves in an advisory capacity by conveying the results of such discussions to the administrative officers and to the faculty.

Portrait of Rob Ownes

Robert Owens

Senior Executive for Access, Belonging, and Community Outreach | (931) 372-3392

As Senior Executive for Access, Belonging, and Community Outreach, Owens advocates and oversees the development, execution, and monitoring of strategic efforts around access, belonging, and community outreach with regard to recruitment, enrollment, and retention of faculty, staff, and students.


Portrait of Troy Perdue

Troy Perdue

University Counsel | (931) 372-3269 | Website

Perdue provides legal assistance to support the university in accomplishing its mission. He advises the university administration on a broad range of initiatives, policy matters, and issues. Other duties include serving as a liaison between the university and its related and affiliated entities on legal and policy issues; review of university contracts and agreements; and representing the university before federal and state administrative bodies.

Portrait of Cynthia Polk-Johnson

Cynthia Polk-Johnson

Vice President for Student Affairs | (931) 372-3411 | Website

As the lead student affairs administrator, Polk-Johnson oversees units within the Division of Student Affairs that provide advocacy, support, inclusion, well-being, and connection to students. Through intentional programs and services, students are able to have meaningful engagement with their peers, faculty, and staff. Polk-Johnson oversees the following areas: Accessible Education Center, Center for Counseling and Mental Health Wellness, Dean of Students, Eagle Card, Fraternity & Sorority Life, Health Services, Intercultural Affairs and the Black Cultural Center, Recreation and Fitness, Residential Life, Roaden University Center, Student Engagement, University Police, and University Service Center. All areas under her direction help maximize opportunities for holistic student development while promoting a campus environment that is conducive to learning inside and outside the classroom.

Portrait of Terry Saltsman

Terry Saltsman

Chief Government Affairs Officer | (931) 372-3200

Saltsman is responsible for providing both leadership and operation of the university’s governmental relations efforts. He serves as a general liaison with state and federal agencies, along with legislative leaders.

Portrait of Claire Stinson

Claire Stinson

Vice President for Planning & Finance | (931) 372-3311 | Website

Stinson is the chief business and fiscal officer of the university and responsible to the president for the receiving, disbursement, and accounting of all monies due the university. She is responsible for disbursing all funds in accordance with the annual budget. Through the Business Office and its staff members, the vice president makes purchases for the university. Stinson also administers the financial and accounting aspects of student loans, grants, and scholarships. The vice president provides financial management of auxiliary enterprises of the University, which includes Dining Services and the Bookstore. She is also responsible for the physical plant of the university and campus planning.

Portrait of Mark Wilson

Mark Wilson

Director of Athletics | (931) 372-3940 | Website

Wilson is responsible to the president for the overall direction, coordination and supervision of all areas of Tennessee Tech’s NCAA Division I Intercollegiate Athletics program. He manages and provides leadership to 14 varsity athletic teams and athletics administrative/support areas, including Athletics Academic Advising, Business/Personnel, Corporate Sales/Marketing/Promotions, Development, Facilities/Game Operations, Licensing, NCAA Compliance, Sports Information/Broadcasting, Sports Medicine, Strength/Conditioning and Tickets. His primary function is to promote student-athlete success and welfare in the academic setting and in competition, while incorporating ethical conduct and good sportsmanship. All areas under his direction serve as major public relations outlets for the university and the region, and as entertainment for students and the community.

Portrait of Lee Wray

Lee Wray

Chief of Staff and Secretary to the Board of Trustees | (931) 372-3241

Wray is responsible for providing executive level support to the president, which includes organizing the university’s executive cabinet, providing oral and written communication on behalf of the president, and coordinating special projects to ensure timely and accurate completion. He serves as the point person for the day-to-day operation of the Office of the President, and serves as a liaison for the president. Wray also serves as the Secretary to the Board of Trustees.


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