Agricultural Engineering Technology
Students apply engineering principles and technology to agricultural problems in the food and agricultural industries.
How can I use an Agricultural Engineering Technology Degree?
Graduates enter the following careers:
- Food and fiber handling
- Farm machinery sales and service
- Management of large mechanized farms
- Other areas of agricultural engineering technology
Agricultural Engineering Technology at Tennessee Tech
Agricultural Engineering Technology combines agricultural, biological, and physical sciences with managerial and technical skills. Agriculture Engineering Technology provides basic training in engineering and agriculture. Students are prepared to solve problems related to agricultural production and processing systems and the management and conservation of agricultural land and water resources.
The Tech Farm is a 300-acre working, teaching and research farm located 3 miles from campus. Greenhouses, high-tunnels and organic operations are only part of the benefits of the horticultural living laboratory at Tech. The Tech Farm is also home to the Hyder-Burks Pavilion, which hosts multiple agricultural activities including The Home Show, the Tennessee Tech Garden Club Annual Plant Sale, and Farm Days.

Dr. Jim Baier
Assistant Dean/Interim Director, School of Agriculture
Phone: 931-372-3193
Oakley Hall (OKLY) 133

Dr. Abdul Momin
Assistant Professor, School of Agriculture
Phone: 931-372-3154
Office: Oakley Hall (OKLY) 136