Pre-Physical Therapy Career Track
All physical therapy professional programs in Tennessee offer a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree and require a Bachelor of Science degree prior to admission. All have a list of specific courses that must be completed prior to admission, some also require the Graduate Records Exam (GRE) and work experience. For specific academic requirements for admission, browse the websites of each professional program.
While pursuing a bachelor's degree at Tennessee Tech, physical therapy career track students will also incorporate pre-requisite courses required by physical therapy schools. Graduate professional schools accept many majors, so students are encouraged to explore a major according to their interests and strengths.
Acceptance into physical therapy school is highly competitive. Our advisors assist students in navigating the academic, extra-curricular and healthcare criteria required for a strong application to graduate professional school.
Pre-Physical Therapy Suggested Career Track Coursework
TN Tech Degree Requirements
Professional Resources
- American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
- Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service (PTCAS)