Mathematics - B.S. Goals and Reports

B.S. Goals and Reports

B.S. Mathematics Program and Learning Outcomes Yearly Report 2015-2016


B.S. in Mathematics Program and Learning Outcome Goals

The undergraduate degree program will average at least 10 graduates per year.

Assessment: In August of each year the number of graduates in the preceding July 1 - June 30 time period will be determined. Trends are tracked using an average of the current year and the previous four years.

Improve initial math course placement for incoming freshman and transfer/international student by developing a placement procedure involving a mathematics test.

Assessment: Determine whether Calculus I and Calculus II assessments for transfer students have been developed. Determine whether a placement test has been developed for incoming freshmen. Pass rates in initial mathematics class may be used to assess whether a new placement protocol is effective.

Contribute to the mission of the STEM Center by having faculty members involved in its activities.

Assessment: At the end of the academic year, a count is made of the number of actual or proposed STEM Center projects and programs in which math faculty members were involved. This include any professional development attended by faculty.

Increase the use of technology in mathematics classes.

Assessment: At the end of the academic year, a count is made of the number of online courses taught, the number of courses using software for automated quizzing HW, the number of courses in which students use specialized software packages (such as SAS, MATLAB, Maple, Minitab, Excel, R, Geometer's Sketchpad, etc.) to complete assignments, the number of courses in which graphing calculators are required, and the number of faculty using technology to make course material available (either in class or on the internet).


Learning Outcome Goals

1. Students graduating in mathematics will demonstrate an understanding of mathematics by having 50% of graduates score at or above the 75th percentile on the ETS Major Filed Test.

Assessment: ETS Major Filed Test in Mathematics

2. All students graduating from the University will be "mathematically literate" in, and able to apply their knowledge from, mathematics courses in their curricula.

Assessment: Relevant questions from Alumni Survey and NSSE.


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