Cyber Discovery Camp

Cyber Discovery Camp

Cyber Discovery Virtual Camp 2020

At home this summer? How about a FREE fun and interactive virtual camp to learn about cybersecurity?

There are half a million unfilled cyber jobs in USA right now! Want to know what careers in cyber look like? You will get to know about valuable skills and techniques applicable to real world cybersecurity challenges. The camp will include opportunities to ask questions of current cyber professionals and students, as well as  to compete and earn prizes (real ones, not virtual!). Spend just a few hours a day for three days this summer getting ready for one of the fastest growing careers in the world. 

Sign up by June 20th to reserve a spot in our June or July Cyber Discovery Camp. The camp will go from June 23rd to June 25th lasting from 1:00pm to 4:30pm each day. Our July camp is also available, lasting from July 21st to July 23rd. Deadline June 20!  Space is limited to 100 participants per camp.  Students will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.

This camp is being conducted at no cost to the participating students.  Students will need access to a computer, headset with mic, webcam and Internet connection to participate as it will be a hands-on camp.  Accepted students will be expected to attend all three days of the camp as each day will have new opportunities.  In an effort to serve as many students as possible, we ask that students enroll in either the June OR July camp.

Registration for the camp is closed.

 Please direct questions about the virtual camp to

cyber discovery virutal camp 2020


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