Golden Eagles Perk Program - Spirit Day Competitions

Spirit Day Decorating Competition

The Office of Communications and Marketing invites you to participate in our Spirit Days Competition! Decorate your resident hall lobby or main departmental / office area to display school spirit. This year, we are celebrating 100 years of being the Golden Eagles! Please select the decade you want to showcase. Choose from Tommy Tech era (1960s), Evil Eagle era (1970s) or today’s Awesome Eagle (1980s – 90s). The goal is to have fun, show Tech spirit, and decorate your area to welcome new and returning students!

Registration to participate must be completed by August 9 to ensure enough time for judging. To register, please complete the following form and select the decade you are incorporating!

Register Here

Decorations must be displayed by the end of the day on August 14! Photos and judging will take place on August 15-16. Winners will be announced at the Week of Welcome Food Truck Friday Event on August 23 in front of Jere Whitson Hall at noon.

Encourage your students, faculty, and staff to vote for our Fan Favorite competition portion. On August 12, a flier with a QR code will be sent to participants to display outside of their area.

Winners will be announced Friday, August 23 at noon on the steps of Jere Whitson Hall during the Food Truck Friday event.

Gold Place winners will receive an award, branded tailgate tent, pop-up banner and tablecloth.
Silver Place winners will receive an award, pop-up banner and tablecloth.
Bronze Place will receive an award and a pop-up banner.
Fan Favorite winner will receive a “Golden Eagle Spirit Party” to celebrate with faculty, students and staff! For the party, you will also receive a balloon décor and a $1,000 food credit with Chartwells. 


  • Ensure that your display does not hinder accessibility or could cause trip hazards.
  • Use tactful and appropriate decorations.
  • Get creative! Only one Tech Spirit Sign maximum will be allowed to be incorporated into decorations.
  • Have fun!
Golden Eagles Perks Program
If you are not a member of the Golden Eagles Perks Program, please sign up now!