Consumer Information - Accounting

Tennessee Technological University Professional Accountancy

Tennessee Tech currently offers the following degrees related to accounting:

  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Major in Accounting
    • Requires a total of 120 hours.
    • Includes 6 hours of Accounting at the lower division and 21 hours of Accounting at the upper division.
  • Master of Accountancy
    • Requires a total of 30 hours.
    • Includes 24 hours of Accounting and 6 hours of graduate electives.
    • 22 hours of the Accounting is online.  The 6 hours of electives can be either online or on campus.
    • The remaining 2 hours consists of two 1-hour campus residency weekends; one in the first Fall term of the program and one in the final Spring term of the program.

In the state of Tennessee, requirements to sit for the CPA Exam and for Licensure are established by the Tennessee State Board of Accountancy (  A candidate can sit for the CPA Exam in Tennessee if they have completed a Bachelor’s degree and a total of 18 hours of accounting at the upper division. The BSBA with a major in Accounting at Tennessee Tech satisfies the education requirement for a candidate to sit for the CPA Exam in Tennessee. To be licensed as a CPA in Tennessee, a candidate must meet several requirements. The education requirement requires a bachelor’s degree, 150 total hours of education, 24 hours in business, and 30 hours in accounting (24 of which must be at the upper division).  Completion of the BSBA at Tennessee Tech and the MAcc at Tennessee Tech will satisfy the educational requirements for CPA licensure in Tennessee. 

Per the Uniform Accountancy Act, established by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy, a determination has been made that since Tennessee Tech’s accounting program meets the educational requirements for CPA licensure in Tennessee, the program meets the educational requirements which are substantially equivalent to the other 49 states (including Tennessee), the District of Columbia, the US Commonwealths of the Northern Mariana Islands and Puerto Rico, and the US Territories of Guam and the Virgin Islands. Reference for this equivalency list is found here:

No determination has been made as to whether the Tennessee Tech Accounting program meets the educational requirement for CPA licensure in the US Territory of American Samoa, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, or the Republic of Palau.

Students seeking to sit for the CPA Exam in another state or licensure in a state other than Tennessee are advised to contact the appropriate state board of accountancy (see .)  Students are also encouraged to speak with an accounting advisor at Tennessee Tech for assistance at 931-372-3358.

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