Consumer Information - Professional Licensure Disclosures

Tennessee Tech Professional Licensure Disclosures

Many educational programs offered by Tennessee Tech lead to professional licensure within the State of Tennessee and in other states.  However, states vary in what professions they require to be licensed and how licensure functions.  Some states require an individual to graduate from an approved program, while others require an individual to be certified by a national organization.  A specific amount of training can also be required as well as passage of an exam based on a state requisite exam score.

As a result, students and prospective students, should review the specific academic requirements for the educational program in which they are enrolling, including those related to practicum/internship as well as pre-qualifications for licensure such as the need for a criminal background check.  Students should contact the applicable licensure board(s) in their state of residence or in the state where they intend to obtain a license before beginning an academic program that results in licensure and prior to beginning any internship/practicum.

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