Captain Ryan S. Harp
Captain Ryan S. Harp

Contact Information


Captain Ryan S.  Harp


Assistant Professor of Military Science


ROTC – Military Science

Email Address:


(931) 372-3575


Military Science Building - Room 204


CPT Ryan Harp teaches the freshmen-level Military Science classes (MS1010 and MS1020). CPT Harp commissioned in 2011 as a Second Lieutenant in the Ordnance Branch. Upon selection, CPT Harp attended Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) School, and upon graduating transitioned as an 89E (EOD Officer). His previous assignments include Platoon Leader (703D EOD Company), Operations Officer (703D EOD Company), Company Commander (663D EOD Company), and Assistant S-3- Special Projects (71st EOD Group). CPT Harp has one deployment to Afghanistan (2016-2017). He has his Bachelors of Science in Criminal Justice with a Minor in Military Science from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville (IL), and currently working on a Master’s of Science in National Security Studies with a concentration in Homeland Security.