Ramachandran Natarajan

Contact Information


Ramachandran  Natarajan


Associate Dean


Dean College of Business

Email Address:



(931) 372-3001


Foundation Hall (FNDH) 317C / Box 5022


  • B. Tech, IIT - Madras
  • PGDM from IIM - Calcutta
  • MS in Managerial Economics and Decision Science, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University
  • Ph.D. Business,University of Kansas

Teaching, Research, and Professional Areas

  • Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Decision Sciences
  • Technology and Innovation
  • Quality and Performance Management
  • Global Aspects of Operations

RAMACHANDRAN (NAT) NATARAJAN, Ph.D., CPIM, CIRM is the W. E. Mayberry Professor of Management and the Associate Dean of the College of Business.  

 He received his B. Tech from IIT - Madras, PGDM from IIM - Calcutta, Master’s in Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences from Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University and his Ph.D. in Business from the University of Kansas. He holds professional certifications from ASCM, the Association for Supply Chain Management (previously APICS)

 His research and teaching interests are in the areas of Management of Operations, Technology and Innovation, Quality and Performance Management, Supply Chain Management, and Global Aspects of Operations.

He has published in journals such as the International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Operations Management, Total Quality Management, Decision Sciences, Quality Progress, TQM Magazine, and in the Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management. He has authored/co-authored books, case studies, and monographs on manufacturing, supply chain management, quality and performance management.  In a study published in 1993 in Journal of Operations Management, he was recognized as one of the “Top 100 Researchers,” in Operations Management during a five-year period. He has received the College of Business Advisory Board Award for Outstanding Faculty/Researcher many times.

He has served as a senior examiner multiple times for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and the Tennessee Quality Award (now TNCPE). Has held visiting faculty appointments at IIM - Bangalore, IIM - Tiruchirappalli, ASCI- Hyderabad, IFIM - Bangalore, SP Jain - Dubai, PHL - Belgium and IEE - Argentina.  He was on the roster of Fulbright Specialists during 2010-15