Rene Watson
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Rene  Watson


Financial Associate 6


College of Business

Email Address:


(931) 372-3706


Foundation Hall (FNDH) 343B / Campus Box 5025


  • MBA, University of Tennessee at Martin
  • BS Business Administration, Accounting, Tennessee Tech University


Rene Watson manages the financials for the College of Business, monitoring and analyzing more than 35 different cost departments, maintaining payables and receivables, coordinating budget revisions, preparing and processing payroll and related personnel action forms, preparing specialized financial reports, and other financial duties in accordance with the College of Business Strategic Plan and AACSB Accreditation.  She also assists with the College of Business Annual Fall Celebration and the Women’s Leadership Conference. 

Rene received her undergraduate accounting degree from Tennessee Tech University and her Masters of Business Administration from the University of Tennessee at Martin. 

In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling, reading, cooking, baking, and working on hobbies. She has also spent many hours on the sidelines for football and soccer, cheering her two sons on, as well as being active in the local soccer club serving on the board for 7 years as both secretary and treasurer.