Steven Isbell

Contact Information


Steven  Isbell




Economics, Finance & Marketing

Email Address:


(931) 372-3745


Foundation Hall (FNDH) 117C / Box 5083

Teaching, Research, and Professional Areas

  • Served for 10 years as Chairperson of the Department of Economics, Finance, Marketing
  • Two-time winner of the College of Business Award for Outstanding Teaching
  • Numerous publications and academic research presentations
  • Member of Board of Directors for Linden Street Capital, LLC

Dr Isbell has continuously served as a faculty member of the College of Business since earning a PhD from the University of Mississippi in 1985. Early in his career he taught mostly very large sections of Principles of Economics, Money and Banking, and Business Statistics. He now enjoys teaching Intermediate Microeconomics and Labor Economics. He was the Magellan Exchange Coordinator for several years, and helped lead student trips to Chicago, New York, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Egypt.

His early research interests involved determinants of labor market income, and especially the measurement of discrimination, and he often provided expert witness estimations of the loss of earnings capacity in cases involving personal injury and wrongful death. His more recent research interests include the measurement of causal effects of various labor market choices and interventions. He has long maintained an interest in data analysis, and is consulted in the use of various statistical software, sometimes providing workshops to faculty and graduate students. He has served as a consultant to government and corporate entities, and currently is a member of the Board of Directors of Linden Street Capital, whose main business is the manufacture and servicing of fuel cells for aviation.