Jeannette Luna

Contact Information


Dr. Jeannette  Luna


Chair and Associate Professor


Earth Sciences, Box 5062

Email Address:


(931) 372-3695


Kittrell Hall 302


Dr. Luna teaches Sedimentation and Stratigraphy, Geology for Engineers, Planetary Geoscience, Geological Exploration Techniques and Physical Geology.  Her research interests include the analysis of terraced fans on Mars and the stratigraphy of the Fort Payne Formation in middle Tennessee.

PhD, Montana State University, 2011

Recent Senior Thesis Projects

  • Fracture analysis of tesserated terrains on Venus, Riley Grecol, 2021
  • Boulder distributions on martian terraced fans, Allison Bohanon, 2020
  • Gamma ray signatures of channel and mound features in the Fort Payne Formation, Tennessee, Austyn Allen, 2020
  • Geologic mapping of chaos terrains on Europa, Amanda Hitchcock, 2019

Recent Publications (*denotes student author)

Luna, J., 2021, High-resolution geologic mapping of a terraced fan in Garu Crater, Aeolis Mensae, Mars, Planetary Geologic Mapper's Meeting Extended Abstract.

Luna, J., Crane, K. and G. D. Corner, 2021, Fjord-head deltas in Finnmark, Norway: Analogs for paleolake fan-deltas in Xanthe Terra, Mars, Planetary Analog Workshop Extended Abstract. 

Bohanon, A.* and J. Luna, 2019, Rocking and rolling downhill: A comparison of boulder distribution patterns on martian terraced fans, Xanthe Terra, GSA Abstract, v. 51, no 6. 

Wolak (Luna), J. Knox, L., Gentry, J.*, Allen, A.*, and G. Miller*, 2018, Calciclastic sediment gravity flows: Lessons learned from outcrops of the Mississippian Fort Payne Formation, GSA Abstract v. 50, no. 6.