Michael Allen
Michael Allen

Contact Information


Michael  Allen


Professor, Department Chair



Email Address:



(931) 372-3569


Bruner 219


  • B.Sc. in Mathematics, Tennessee Tech (1989)
  • M.Sc. in Mathematics, Tennessee Tech (1991)
  • PhD in Statistics, University of Georgia (1997)
  • B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Tennessee Tech (2011)
  • Assistant Professor of Mathematics, College of Charleston (1997 - 1999)
  • TTU Mathematics faculty member since 1999

I have taught many different classes at Tennessee Tech but mainly teach probability and statistics. My research interests include time series, bootstrapping, spatial statistics, fractional calculus, and material properties of composite materials. I have published papers in all of these areas. My hobbies are just as varied. They include, but are not limited to, whitewater canoeing, sailing, amateur radio, electronics, computers, woodworking, 3D printing, car restoration, barbershop singing, and sewing. Finally, I am also involved with Scouts and am an Aquatics Instructor. If you can catch me in my office, please stop by to have a chat. Otherwise, during business hours, you might find me in a lab on campus doing a ‘mad scientist’ experiment!