Wendy D. Smith
Wendy D. Smith

Contact Information


Wendy D.  Smith


Senior Lecturer



Email Address:



(931) 372-3621


Bruner 227


  • PhD in Statistics, University of Georgia (2000)
  • MS in Statistics, University of Georgia (1997)
  • BS in Statistics, University of South Alabama (1995)
  • Employed as full-time Instructor since Fall 2018
  • TN Dept of Education, Regional Math Consultant (2016-2018)
  • Frequent Part-time instructor, TTU Math Dept (2002 - 2016)

I am an instructor in the math department of TTU, teaching a variety of courses including statistics, calculus and math for elementary education majors. After being away from the classroom for two years I am enjoying working with students and fine-tuning my skills as a facilitator of learning. 

 Outside of the campus, I enjoy spending time with my husband David and our two daughters.  They both are very active at a local dance studio so I find myself driving them around related to that in much of my spare time.  I'm also a faithful early morning runner who participates in the occasional half-marathon, including our local event the Haunted Half.