Jennifer Cheek
Jennifer Cheek
Sociology and Political Science
Email Address:
(931) 372-6296
Matthews Daniel 317
Ms. Jennifer Cheek is an instructor of sociology and criminology at Tennessee Tech University, joining the department in 2020. She received a B.A. in Psychology in 2004 and a M.S. in Applied Sociology in 2008 from Southeastern Louisiana University. She is currently working on her Ph.D. in Sociology at Mississippi State University. She teaches sociology and criminology courses, such as Introduction to Sociology, Police and Society, Youth and Society, and Corrections. Ms. Cheek’s research interests include victimology, and related issues such as gender, race, class and other intersectional dimensions of stratification, crime, and human rights. Her research focuses on human trafficking and other forms of gendered violence in international contexts. Ms. Cheek’s research has appeared in Sociologists without Borders.