Ambareen Siraj

Contact Information


Ambareen  Siraj





Email Address:


(931) 372-3519


PRSC 414


Professor of computer science at Tennessee Tech, teaches security courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level. She has focused her research on the vast areas surrounding cybersecurity, including security in cyber-physical systems, internet of things, situation assessment in network security, security education and workforce development.

As the founding director of Tech’s Cybersecurity Education, Research and Outreach Center (CEROC), she is the leader on several National Science Foundation and National Security Agency grants involving cybersecurity, and is the founder of the national Women in Cybersecurity conference, an effort to recruit, retain and advance women in the cybersecurity industry.

Siraj’s effort to educate students and enhance the cybersecurity field of study goes beyond classes, research and outreach projects, workshops and conferences. Siraj has authored or co-authored more than 40 journal and conference articles while taking an active part in promoting cybersecurity training throughout the nation. She is also a frequent speaker in various cybersecurity conferences nationwide. Siraj is recipient of the ­Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education Exceptional Leadership in Education Award in 2018.