Steve Sharp

Contact Information


Steve  Sharp, Ed.D.


Interim Director, Senior Lecturer


School of Environmental Studies

Email Address:


(931) 372-6221


Southwest Hall #131


Research areas and interests:

  • Environmental education
  • Nonprofit organizations and the environment
  • Religion and the environment
  • Faith-based entities and the common good
  • Comparative and international education
  • Servant Leadership

Educational Background

  • Vanderbilt University, Peabody College, 2012
    Degree: Doctorate of Education
    Major: General Administrative Leadership; coursework emphasis in international and comparative education
    Dissertation Title: Faith-Based Entities and the Common Good: An Examination of One Community
  • Indiana University - Bloomington, 2000
    Doctoral level studies: Chancellor’s Scholar in the School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation: Studies in the Department of Recreation and Park Administration and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs
    Emphasis: outdoor recreation, non-profit management
  • Tennessee Technological University, 1987
    Degree: Master of Arts
    Major: Secondary Education
    Licensure: Secondary Biology
  • University of Tennessee - Knoxville, 1983
    Degree: Bachelor of Science with Highest Honors
    Major: Wildlife & Fisheries Science