Dr. Darek Potter
Darek Potter
Dr. Darek Potter
Millard Oakley STEM Center
Email Address:
(931) 372-6573
Ray Morris Hall 103
Dr. Potter is the Director of the Oakley STEM Center at Tennessee Tech University and has been leading the STEM Center since 2018. Dr. Potter also works as an Assistant Professor in the department of Exercise Science. He holds a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Vanderbilt University, a Master of Arts degree in STEM Education from Tennessee Tech University, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Program Planning and Evaluation from Tennessee Tech University. He has worked as a professional engineer for over 20 years, during which time he founded, grew, and sold an engineering firm in Pennsylvania that recently celebrated its 20-year anniversary in 2022. Dr. Potter has taught engineering courses for both Penn State and York College and has over five years of experience teaching high school science, mathematics, and engineering courses in rural school districts in the Upper Cumberland region of Tennessee. He currently teaches research methods and quantitative inquiry courses for the College of Education. His primary research interests include STEM education, rural populations, and exercise science.
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