Kyle Shanks, Assessment Director

Contact Information


Kyle  Shanks, Ph.D.


Assessment Director


College of Education & Human Sciences

Email Address:


(931) 372-3558


T.J. Farr Building, Rm 302A / Campus Box 5046


Kyle Shanks, PhD. is the Assessment Director in the College of Education & Human Sciences at Tennessee Tech University. Before joining Tennessee Tech, Dr. Shanks worked as the Associate Director of Assessment for Howard University in Washington D.C. and as a consultant in the educational technology sphere for Campus Labs. He has expertise in outcomes assessment, strategic planning, and survey development. He also has expertise in instrument development, validation, and reporting, which he provided in his tenure as a research assistant for the NSF funded Critical Thinking Assessment (CAT) test.

Degrees and Certifications

  • PhD, Exceptional Learning - Program Planning & Evaluation, Tennessee Tech University
  • MA, Curriculum & Instruction, Tennessee Tech University
  • BS, Chemistry, Tennessee Tech University