R. Craig Henderson, Ph.D., P.E.
Craig R. Henderson

Contact Information


R. Craig  Henderson, Ph.D., P.E.




Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email Address:



(931) 372-3062


PRSC 417


  • Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
  • Structural Testing and Modeling
  • Building Materials (Concrete, Steel, Masonry)


  • Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of Tennessee, 1994
  • M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Tennessee, 1987
  • B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Tennessee, 1986


Current Publications

  • Yarnold, M., Moore, A, Henderson, R. C., Huff, T. E., (2024). “Experimental Behavior of a Steel Girder-Stringer-Floorbeam Bridge”. Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, doi.org/10.1177/03611981241233575.
  • Gothard, A.., Hott, W., Fisher, S., Henderson, R. C., Anton, S. (2023). “Preliminary Design and Analysis of a Smart Building Structural Dynamics Sensing System. Society for Experimental Mechanics”. Accepted for publication.
  • Huff, T., Henderson, R.C., Yarnold, M, Moore, A, Hayworth, R., (2023) “Refined Stringer Ratings for Girder-Stringer Floor Beam Bridges”, ASCE Practice Periodical for Design and Construction, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 29(1): 05023007.
  • Henderson, R.C., Mohr, B., Rikli, D., Bennett, R., and Thompson, J., (2023) “Comparing Strength and Modulus of Elasticity Values for Prisms Constructed with Lightweight and Normal Weight Grout”, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), DOI: 10.1061/JMCEE7/MTENG-15000.
  • Henderson, R.C., Huff, T., and Bouton, G. (2021) “Structural Observations and Tornado Damage Mitigation Concepts – March 2020 Tennessee Tornados”, ASCE Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000571 
  • Kidwell, T. and Kerley, R, Henderson, R.C., Huff, T., (2018) “Non-linear Investigation of Plastic Hinge Formation in Steel and Concrete Piles”, ASCE Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 23(2), 04018001. [Kidwell and Kerley are former TTU CEE grad students.]


Selected Publications

  • ACI 530 Masonry Standards Joint Committee (2011 - 2014). Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures , [Henderson served as a member of the ACI 530-08 and ACI 530- 11 Executive Subcommittee, Main Subcommittee, Flexure and Axial Load Subcommittee, and Chair of the Infill Subcommittee.]
  • Henderson, R.C., Porter, M.L., Jones, W.D., Burdette, E.G. (2006). “Prior Out-of-plane Damage on the In-plane Behavior of Masonry Infilled Frames” The Masonry Journal , 24 (1), 71-82.
  • Henderson, R. C., Lowhorn, D.E., Tindall, W.R., Larimore, D.L. (2006). “Designing Interactive Instructional Tools to Serve Both Students and Instructors – a Case History”, Computers in Education Journal , ASEE, 16 (4), 35-49. 4.
  • Henderson, R. C., Fricke, K. E., Jones, W. D., and Beavers, J. E., (2003). “Summary of a Large- and Small-scale Unreinforced Masonry Test Program”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 129 (12), 1667-1675.


Research Summary

  • Director and Principle Investigator (2018-present), Center for Construction and Building Information Modeling [Non-Instructional Assignment, Faculty Research Grant, Various external funding]
  • Principle Investigator (2022-2023), Analytical and Experimental Evaluation of Girder-Stringer-Floor Beam Bridges [Tennessee Department of Transportation]
  • Principle Investigator (2022-2024), TTU Seismic/Modal Smart Building Instrumentation [State of TN & Tennessee Tech University]
  • Co-Principle Investigator (2020), Acquisition of Fiber Optic Sensing Instrument for Distributed Measurement of Strain and Temperature [National Science Foundation MRI Proposal, funded through TTU]
  • Principle Investigator (2017 to 2021), Comparing Strength and Modulus of Elasticity Values for Prisms Constructed with Lightweight and Normal Weight Grout [The National Concrete Masonry Association]
  • Principle Investigator (2014 to 2016), Material and Structural Properties of Lightweight Grout Cylinders [The National Concrete Masonry Association]
  • Principle Investigator (2010-2013), Steel and Concrete Pile Bent Connections for Achieving Plastic Moment Capacity in High Seismic Zones [Faculty Research Grant]



  • CEE 2110 Engineering Mechanics
  • CEE 3110 Mechanics of Materials
  • CEE 3320 Structural Mechanics
  • CEE 4310 Structural Steel Design
  • CEE 4320 Reinforced Concrete Design
  • CEE 4360 / 5360 Advanced Concrete Design
  • CEE 4700 / 5700 Reinforced Masonry Design
  • CEE 7810 Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering


Recent Consulting

  • Forensics Investigations and Expert Witness (2012 to present), Structural Investigations of Failure Behavior.
  • Inspired Designs, Inc. (2012 – 2013), Structural capacity investigation of new concrete building system.