Curriculum and Instruction - Curriculum & Instruction FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the admission requirements for your degree programs?

The Undergraduate and Graduate catalogs list all the requirements for admission into our programs.


I would like to transfer to Tech's College of Education & Human Sciences. Where do I start?

Undergraduates: Talk with an advisor in the Student Success Center for information on how your courses will transfer; also, please review the transfer equivalencies tables. Visit the Office of Admissions for more information.


What are the student technology requirements?

All students, undergraduate and graduate, are required to have their own computer. For options, financial assistance information, recommendations, and specifications, please see Student Technology Requirements.


Who is my advisor?

Undergraduate Students: Our Student Success Center staff consists of several advisors ready to serve you. You may see any available advisor, but each student is ultimately assigned to an advisor familiar with the student's specific subject area.

Graduate Students: Our graduate faculty advise students in each subject area. Simply contact the department at 931-372-3181,, or visit the office in Bartoo Hall, Rm. 313.


How do I make an appointment for advisement? When do I need to be advised?

All undergraduate education majors are advised in the Student Success Center located in the T.J. Farr Building, Room 202. All students must see an advisor prior to registering for classes each term.

  • You may call 931-372-6036 or 800-241-3896 to arrange an appointment to see an advisor.
  • We also take walk-ins on a first-come basis.
  • We encourage students to see an advisor anytime they have a question or concern.

Graduate students coordinate with their advisor to make an advisement appointment each semester.


How do I get my registration information (Alternate PIN) each semester?

You will receive that information after you have been advised for the next semester. Current students will receive an email as to when they should come in for advisement for the next semester.

Students may access their alternate pin after registering with it the first time.

  • To do this click on your "student" tab in your eagle online account.
  • Then click "registration," and then "select term," after selecting the appropriate term you will click on "view banner ID (T#), registration times, advisor, post office box/combination, confirmation information."

Your alternate pin is listed there after you have used it to register for the first time each semester.


How many credit hours may I take each term? Can I get an approval for an "overload"?

Undergraduate: Students in good academic standing may carry up to 20 credit hours of coursework in a semester. Students wanting to take more than 20 hours must see an advisor to request an overload card.

Graduate: Graduate students can take up to 16 hours without filing an overload form. Please discuss your options with an advisor. Generally, graduate students only take 6-9 hours per semester.


What do I do if a class I want to take is closed?

Please email the course instructor asking for permission to enter the course. If permission is given, contact the department with the update.


How do I drop or withdraw from a class?

Undergraduate: You should contact the Student Success Center and speak with your advisor about dropping a class.

Graduate: You should see your advisor about dropping a class.

ALL students should check the university calendar for all deadlines.


How can I find out what my GPA (grade point average) is?

Login to your personal academic information through Eagle Online. You will find your GPA information by going to "Student Records" then "Academic Transcripts."


When do I start my upper-division classes?

After you complete the general education curriculum, you coordinate with your advisor to apply to the Office of Teacher Education.


I am on Academic Warning. What does that mean?

Warning means that your GPA (grade point average) for the semester has fallen below the minimum required standard. Warning does not prevent you from returning to school, but you should see an advisor for suggestions on improvement.


I am on Academic Probation. What does that mean?

Academic Probation means that your GPA, either for the semester or overall, has fallen below the minimum required standard. You are in danger of suspension if grades do not improve.


Student Success Center Office of Teacher Education



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