Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation Tennessee Green Star Partnership Highlights member Tennessee Tech University-IAC (Industrial Assessment Center) - Tennessee Tech University-IAC

Tennessee Tech University-IAC

Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation Tennessee Green Star Partnership Highlights member Tennessee Tech University-IAC (Industrial Assessment Center)

The IAC was established in 2006 in the Center for Manufacturing Research and conducts no-cost energy assessments for industries, which result in millions of dollars of implemented energy-related savings. It is a national program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Manufacturing Office.  IACs are located at 28 universities across the country. It’s mission is the promotion of industrial energy efficiency in manufacturing through: .

  1. Conducting no-cost on-site energy efficiency assessments
  2. Graduating engineering students with professional skill sets and a solid background in energy and resource efficiency 

Assessments are performed by a team consisting of engineering faculty and upper-level undergraduate and graduate students. During the assessment, the team takes measurements to audit how the facilities are using energy and resources. They are then able to identify and communicate to the owner opportunities to save energy, reduce waste, and increase productivity. When implemented, the utility savings costs can be reduced from five to 10 percent annually, and in some cases, as high as 25 percent. The team then continues to provide support to the facility for a year to track results.

Read the complete announcement for more information.