Why Study Chemical Engineering at Tennessee Tech?
The Department of Chemical Engineering at Tennessee Tech is a vibrant community of engineering educators where both teaching and research synergistically work to effectively enhance student learning. In fact, Tennessee Tech is the home of some of the top educators in the region with most of the ChE Department engaged in active research on various aspects of student learning. These efforts have led to multi-award winning distinctions university-wide, nationally and internationally. ChE faculty members are frequently invited to conduct training workshops for colleagues in the United States and abroad and, therefore, students are exposed to some of the most effective and modern approaches in engineering education. The ChE curriculum is often revised to reflect changes in teaching pedagogy as well as shifts in the areas that hire our graduates, such as biotechnology, materials, and the environment.
The department at Tennessee Tech also has an active AICHE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers) chapter. This group is very involved on campus & around the area with service work & fundraisers. It is run by the students, for the students. All positions within AICHE are student elected & anyone is eligible to run. On the note of student programs, the Chemical Engineering department has their own tutoring program. Again, this is run by the students, for the students. It's free to attend & is extremely helpful to all who take advantage of it.
For those interested in industrial careers, the Tennessee Tech experience has proven successful in a variety of businesses and national labs. For those more interested in graduate education, Tennessee Tech graduates can be found at some of the most prestigious universities in the country and have received fellowships from competitive agencies such as the National Science Foundation and Tau Beta Pi.
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