Golden Eagles Band Day Information
The Golden Eagles Band Day is an event that invites high school marching band students—winds/brass/percussion/color guard—to be VIP guests of the Golden Eagle Marching Band for a day. Students will participate in rehearsal and perform in the stands and on the field alongside the GEMB! This event gives students an opportunity to experience what it’s like to be a member of a university marching band.
This year’s Band Day will take place on Saturday, October 26, 2024. during our home game against Charleston Southern Buccaneers. The participant cost is $25 which includes a commemorative t-shirt, admission to the game, a meal in the university cafeteria, and water in the stands.
PLEASE NOTE: At least one band director and/or one chaperone for each participating school must be present for the entire day.
Who can participate?
Option 1: Band directors may choose to bring their entire band program to participate as part of the Golden Eagles Band Day. Directors are asked to fill in the form with accurate numbers for instrumentation, t-shirt sizes, chaperones, and bus information.
Option 2: Any band student who enjoys the marching activity who wants to experience a college football game can participate. Students must be in good standing in their school band program.
Registration must be completed no later than Wednesday, October 2, 2024.
How do I pay?
Directors registering their full band or individual students who wish to participate must submit their payment online using the Tennessee Tech Marketplace. Directors paying for their full band should choose the “Full Band Registration” option.
Payment must be received by no later than Wednesday, October 2.
Game Tickets
For Full Bands (Option 1): Each student will receive one admission ticket. Additionally, one complimentary ticket will be given to the band director and one for each chaperone. While we recognize that you will need some chaperones, we ask that you bring no more than one chaperone for every ten students (unless required by your school/district).
For Individual Participants (Option 2): Individual participants will receive one admission ticket and two additional tickets.
Tickets for additional guests beyond the allotted amounts are easy to acquire through the Tech Athletics webpage (link below) or by calling the box office at (931) 372-3940.
Additional Information