School of Music - Policies & Requirements

Policies & Degree Requirements 

It is the student's responsibility to remain informed of policies, requirements, and practices related to the School of Music, the major area of study, facilities and resources, and Tennessee Tech University.



Degree Requirements

Music course minimum grade requirement

All music majors must achieve a grade of “C” in each music course. If a lower grade is earned, the student must repeat the course.

Private lesson enrollment

Music majors must enroll in Private Instruction (Applied Music) on their major instrument/voice each semester of full-time residency.

Ensemble participation requirement

Music majors are required to participate each semester of full time residency in the Ensemble of Record appropriate both to their degree program and to their major instrument/voice. See Ensemble of Record requirements for various options. Composition majors: In consultation with the composition studio professor, the student's advisor, and ensemble directors, composition majors may enroll in additional ensembles beyond the required Ensemble of Record when class load and degree progress permit. The goal of the secondary ensemble participation will be to obtain as broad an exposure as possible to the available ensemble media.

Proficiency examination

All music majors must pass a Proficiency Examination in piano before enrolling in upper division music courses.

Applying for returning student scholarships

There are a variety of returning student scholarships available. Students must  complete a Tennessee Tech scholarship application form by December 15th in order to take advantage of every opportunity for financial aid.  To apply, follow the instructions found on the Tennessee Tech Scholarships site.


Music Education Requirements

College of Education & Human Sciences Requirements. (These requirements must be fulfilled in addition to the College of Fine Arts / School of Music curricular requirements).

A formal application for Admission to the Teacher Education Program must be filed once a student has reached 30 or more credit hours, excluding ADP (remedial) classes. Other rules apply.  Visit the Office of Teacher Education for a complete description of admission requirements.

An additional application must be filed before the Residency Year. For deadlines and complete information, visit the Field & Clinical Practice section of the Teacher Education site.

A student may not enroll in any other courses during the student teaching/residency semester.

Additional Licensure: A student may obtain an additional licensure in either Instrumental/General Music K-12 or Vocal/General Music K-12 by satisfying all degree requirements for the primary emphasis and taking additional courses in the opposite emphasis. The Undergraduate Catalog lists specific courses for additional licensure following the curricular listings for Instrumental and Vocal/General licensure.

Techniques Class Sequence

The schedule below lists the classes that instrumental music education (MUIN) majors must take to gain the required minimal level of proficiency in the various instrumental families. The classes are to be taken in the order and during the semester listed. Note that some classes are offered only once per year.

Woodwind majors

Freshman second semester: MUS 1031 or MUS 1071 (spring only)
Sophomore first semester: MUS 1051
Sophomore second semester: MUS 1052
Junior first semester: MUS 1071 or MUS 1031
Junior second semester: MUS 1041

Brass majors

Freshman second semester: MUS 1031 or MUS 1071 (spring only)
Sophomore first semester: MUS 1041
Sophomore second semester: MUS 1042
Junior first semester: MUS 1071 or MUS 1031
Junior second semester: MUS 1051

Percussion majors

Freshman second semester: MUS 1031
Sophomore first semester: MUS 1051
Sophomore second semester: MUS 1052
Junior first semester: MUS 1041
Junior second semester: MUS 1042

String majors

Freshman second semester: MUS 1051 or MUS 1071 (spring only)
Sophomore first semester: MUS 1041
Sophomore second semester: MUS 1071 or MUS 1051
Junior first semester: MUS 1031
Junior second semester: MUS 1032

Guitar majors

Freshman second semester: MUS 1031
Sophomore first semester: MUS 1041 or 1081 (fall only)
Sophomore second semester: MUS 1071 (spring only)
Junior first semester: MUS 1081 (fall only) or 1041
Junior second semester: MUS 1051

Piano majors

Freshman second semester: MUS 1031
Sophomore first semester: MUS 1041 or 1081 (fall only)
Sophomore second semester: MUS 1071 (spring only)
Junior first semester: MUS 1081 (fall only) or 1041
Junior second semester: MUS 1051

Music Performance Requirements

Freshman entrance to the Bachelor of Music concentration in Performance is only by recommendation of the studio professor.

Music majors must enroll in Private Instruction (Applied Music) on their major instrument/voice each semester of full-time residency.

Performance concentration students must perform a full (non-shared) junior and senior recital.

Performance majors must perform a Recital Hearing at least two weeks before the scheduled recital date. The student is responsible for preparing all recital repertoire for the Recital Hearing, with accompaniment (if used). The hearing committee will complete comment sheets for the benefit of the student and studio instructor and will vote Pass/Fail on the acceptability of the Recital Hearing. A failed Recital Hearing will receive a grade of Incomplete. The student may schedule a repeat Recital Hearing no earlier than the following term, although the same music may be used again. A failed repeat Recital Hearing will result in the student's exclusion from the Performance Option.

A minimum grade of "B" is required to pass a degree recital.
In the semester of the degree recital, an applied jury is not required.

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