College of Business Student Accepts Rural Reimagined Internship with UCDD

Grand Challenge

College of Business Student Accepts Rural Reimagined Internship with UCDD

TN Tech’s Rural Reimagined is proud to announce that Emily Buckner, a Human Resources major, has accepted an internship with the Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) and the Human Resources Agency (UCHRA). Through the internship, Emily will use her organizational and communication skills to collaborate on-site with UCDD's leadership to identify and develop internships within the organization. This internship is a great way for Emily to become involved with Rural Reimagined and to gain real-world experience, while it will also create RR internships for other students in the future! UCDD’s Rebecca Smith states, “We are delighted about this new phase of our partnership with Tennessee Tech and look forward to creating new opportunities for students to further their education through hands-on learning.” She adds, “Collaboration through the Rural Reimagined Grand Challenge will make it possible for our agencies to recruit and develop highly qualified employees who are passionate about excellence and serving others.” Regarding her internship, Emily states, “This opportunity is not only going to benefit me in using my skills in a real-world environment but in return, I will be helping my fellow colleagues in their professional lives, one of the main goals I have for my career!” Stay tuned for updates on Rural Reimagined. Wings up!



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