Student Success Story: EduNet Team Sponsored by Rural Reimagined - Rural Reimagined Student Success Story

Rural Reimagined Student Success Story

Student Success Story: EduNet Team Sponsored by Rural Reimagined

Edunet TeamDuring the 2021-2022 academic year, Rural Reimagined worked directly with and sponsored Computer Science students Cameran Green, Conall Fisher, Andrew Al-Halawani, Lukas Motykowski, and Jacob Ford on their project titled “EduNet.” Specifically, Rural Reiamgined's Director Michael Aikens and Communications Lead Kinsey Simone worked with the team weekly to offer feedback and suggestions as they developed and implemented their site Edunet, which was under the direction of Dr. William Eberle.

These students researched ways to directly transform rural education through the development of EduNet, a website that allows K-12 teachers to post ideas, resources, and allow communication among educators about receiving said resources from one another. Through their hard work and partnership with Rural Reimagined, these students create an impactful site that will make a difference for our rural educators. 

For more information on Edunet or other presented projects, visit . Wings up!

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