Honors Program - Honors Requirements

Requirements for Admission and Graduation in cursu honorum

Honors Program Admission

Minimum application requirements for first-year students:

A 3.5 high school GPA minimum and an application demonstrating intellectual drive, curiosity, creative thinking, open-mindedness, and empathy.  Standardized test scores are currently optional for admission. Grades and scores are by no means the only measures of readiness. 


Minimum Application requirements for Transfer and Continuing Tech Students:

A 3.5 institutional GPA from full-time enrollment as a college student after completing at least one semester, and no more than 60 total credit hours; as well as the ability to create a realistic plan for optimizing your Honors credit-bearing options. See "Transfer and Continuing Students" in the sidebar menu for the application form and further details. 


Honors Graduation Requirements: Our Curriculum 

During your four years as an Honors student, you are required to earn 22 Honors credits through a self-designed combination of Honors courses and experiences.  For details click the button below.



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