Human Resources - Outstanding Clerical and Support Staff Award

Outstanding Clerical and Support Staff Award


There shall be up to four (4) awards per year, and it is recommended that two (2) awards be for clerical staff, one(1) for support staff, and one (1) for technical support staff. If there are no support staff nominated, then there would be two technical awards; or if there are no technical support nominated, then there would be two support staff awards.

The administrative office responsible for supervision of the Committee shall be that of Human Resource Services.

Committee Composition 

The Outstanding Staff Awards Committee shall be a University Committee appointed by the President to select the recipients of the awards. The Committee shall include one (1) faculty, one (1) administrative staff, one (1) student selected by SGA, two (2) clerical staff and two (2) support staff.

The initial appointments should be made with two members serving three-year terms, two members serving two-year terms, two members serving one-year terms, and the student member serving a one-year term. When possible, previous winners will be appointed for Committee membership.

Subsequent appointments will be made for three-year terms. If a committee member is nominated for an award, that person may refuse the appointment; and the President will appoint a replacement.

Qualifications for Nominees 

Any regular Clerical and Support Staff who has been employed at the University for at least three (3) years is eligible for nomination. A staff member who has received an award shall not be eligible for that award for a period of three (3) years.

Only one nomination is needed to place a candidate's name in the nomination. A nomination can be made by any member of the University community (faculty, staff, students).

Criteria and Recognition 

Job Performance 
Based on assigned duties.

A good attitude toward work and the University.

Attendance and perseverance. Performance evaluations, recommendations, and references will be used for documentation of job performance, attitude, and commitment criteria.

Professional Development 
Certifications, additional training, course work and education, seminars, and licenses. Verification and documentation will be obtained through department head, supervisor, and/or nominee.

Program Introductions

  • Suggestions made by nominee for improvements which result in cost savings, increased efficiency, improved service, or better time management. Verification will be obtained through department head and/or supervisor.
  • When nominations are received, the committee shall request supporting documentation after obtaining written permission from the nominee. The Committee shall then take into consideration all of the information it has available to select the recipients of the Outstanding Staff Awards.
  • The following materials will be requested from the appropriate individuals or components:Letters of recommendation from supervisor and/or department head.
  • Three names to be contacted by the Committee for reference should be provided by the nominee.
    Annual performance evaluation to be provided by Human Resource Services.
  • Support documentation for professional development.
  • A cash award (minimum of $1,000 each) along with an engraved plaque will be presented by the President or his/her designee.
  • Publicity should consist of a photo and short article to be published in The Oracle, Tech Times, and local and hometown newspapers.