Study Rooms
Room # | 2023-2024 | 2022-2023 | 2021-2022 | 2020-2021 | 2019-2020 |
110 | n/a | 946 | 893 | 703 | 544 |
130 | n/a | n/a | 827 | n/a | 570 |
223 | 1,445 | 1,076 | 1,158 | 399 | 912 |
224 | 1,233 | 1,165 | 1,082 | 473 | 923 |
225 | 1,197 | 1,060 | 1,024 | 421 | 878 |
226 | 1,104 | 1,004 | 980 | 400 | 838 |
227 | 1,083 | 1,058 | 982 | 986 | 848 |
228 | 1,226 | 1,005 | 932 | n/a | 823 |
242 | 1,210 | 548 | 1,035 | 814 | 806 |
243 | 1,266 | 489 | 977 | 119 | 796 |
244 | 1,163 | 481 | 1,011 | 680 | 760 |
245 | 1,194 | 721 | 994 | 773 | 522 |
246 | 593 | 710 | 1,006 | 144 | 748 |
247 | 486 | 797 | 1,040 | 163 | 738 |
301 | n/a | n/a | 215 | n/a | 893 |
TOTALS: | 13,200 | 11,060 | 14,156 | 6,075 | 11,599 |
2023-2024: Study room usage increased this year by over 2,000 uses. Room 110 is no longer tracked as a study room; it's available for reservation through the university event management system. Room 247 was used by the state auditors and unavailable for reservations for six months. Room 130 and 301 are used by other entities and no longer used as study rooms.
2022-2023: Room 130 was not a reservable room because it has become a digitization studio for University Archives & Special Collections. The study rooms were unavailable at times for storage by ITS for computers and by facilities for supplies related to the 2nd floor recarpeting project. In May, 2023, the library cancelled its contract with D!bs, the vendor used for room reservations. The decrease from last year is most likely due to some rooms being unavailable at times and no registration system for six weeks.
2021-2022: Room 301 is no longer a reservable room beginning October 2021. The increase from last year is most likely due to relaxed COVID-19 protocols and behaviors.
2020-2021: Study rooms 130, 228, and 301 were filled with chairs pulled off the floor to promote social distancing due to COVID-19. Rooms 223, 224, 225, 226, 243, 246, and 247 were used as temporary office space during fall semester by the Launchpad advisors.
2019-2020: Study rooms were closed during spring break through June 30, 2020, due to COVID-19, which explains the lower usage.
2018-2019: Room usage dropped slightly but was essentially steady. Rooms 130 and 301 were added as study rooms and available around scheduled classes and Class+ sessions, which are not documented here as room usages. Class+ sessions were documented in the room usages in previous years, so this could account for the slight drop in totals this year.
2017-2018: Room usage remained steady from last year, and reservations are still managed through D!bs. Rooms 243 and 244 were practice presentation rooms with computer stations, projectors, and screens. Due to repeated damage to the equipment, these were converted to regular study rooms in Spring 2018.
2016-2017: Room usage increased again. The room reservation system, D!bs, continues to work
well for planning ahead and even sends text or email reminders. Patrons can use empty
rooms without having a reservation which are not tracked in these statistics.