Tech to host Preview Day on Oct. 2


Tech to host Preview Day on Oct. 2

Students stand in front of Fearless Fall on Tech's campus.

Tennessee Tech is set to welcome students from across the state for the university’s annual open house, Preview Day, on Saturday, Oct. 2. Students will have opportunities to learn about Tech’s admissions process, explore different majors and submit applications on site to attend the university. Information sessions on special topics will be hosted throughout the day including financial aid, scholarships and the transfer process.

“This event is an awesome opportunity for students to experience what it's like to be a Golden Eagle,” said Steve Keller, director of admissions. “Prospective students will have the chance to explore campus with current students, interact with academic departments and discover our vibrant student life! Tech is excited to host this annual event and show students why they belong here.” 

Participants will be able to tour the campus, learn about student life, chat with faculty and current Tech students and enjoy food for the entire family. There is also an opportunity for visitors to take in college sports with Tech’s Golden Eagle football team playing against Southeast Missouri in Tucker Stadium at 1:30 p.m. that same day. Each visiting student will receive two free tickets to the game.

Registration for Preview Day is currently open. There is no cost for the event, but all students and guests are asked to register in advance. Check-in begins at 7:00 a.m. on Oct. 2 in the Hooper Eblen Center.

To register for Preview Day, visit

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