Tennessee Tech named a College of Distinction


Tennessee Tech named a College of Distinction

student pouring solution into beakerTennessee Tech has been recognized by Colleges of Distinction for its commitment to engaged, hands-on education.

Tech garnered recognition on 10 of the Colleges of Distinction:

·      Colleges of Distinction

·      Tennessee Colleges of Distinction

·      Public Colleges of Distinction

·      Best Career Development Colleges

·      Best Military Support Colleges

·      Best Business Colleges

·      Best Education Colleges

·      Best Engineering Colleges

·      Best Nursing Colleges

In Tennessee, only 10 colleges, both public and private, are recognized by the organization, with Tech being one of three public universities. Among the public universities, Tech has the highest graduation and retention rates, along with the highest early career starting salary and highest return-on-investment, according to Payscale.

“We strive to provide a unique and valuable college experience the prepares students for life after college,” said Brandon Johnson, vice president of Enrollment Management and Career Placement. “Tennessee Tech provides impact through its engaged students, dedicated faculty, and career-ready graduates known for their creativity, tenacity, and analytical approach to problem solving.”

Colleges of Distinction is a guide for college-bound students that provides students with information about schools that distinguish themselves through their dedicated focus on the undergraduate experience and adherence to the consortium’s Four Distinctions: Engaged Students, Great Teaching, Vibrant Community, and Successful Outcomes.

Founder Wes Creel created Colleges of Distinction to draw more attention to schools like Tech whose student-centered education prevails in applying theory to practice while fostering a dynamic learning community. 

“It’s inspiring to see Tennessee Tech commit to the learning styles and community involvement that will best allow their students to succeed in and beyond their college years,” Creel said.

Colleges of Distinction’s selection process comprises a sequence of in-depth research and detailed interviews with the schools about each institution’s freshman experience and retention efforts alongside its general education programs, career development, strategic plan, student satisfaction, and more.

Colleges of Distinction, founded in 2000, is committed to honoring schools throughout the U.S. for true excellence in higher education. Its website provides dynamic college profiles, customized tools, and resources for students, parents, and high school counselors. For more information, visit CollegesofDistinction.com.

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