Family Weekend - Family Craft

Tech Pride Family Wreath Project

Want to show some Tech pride with a project that you’ll truly take pride in making? Try your hand at this Tech pride wreath with your student to decorate their apartment door. You’ll probably want to make two so that you can also proudly display your student’s colors! 

Supplies:Tech Pride Bandana Wreath

  • 10” Wire frame wreath
  • Wooden board 2.5” x 12” x 1/4”
  • Package of small wooden letters to spell “Tech”
  • 7 Purple Bandanas (can be purchased in a 10 pack on Amazon)
  • 7 Yellow Bandanas (can be purchased in a 10 pack on Amazon)
  • Small bottle of yellow paint matching gold bandana
  • Small bottle of purple paint matching purple bandana
  • White wooden 8-inch letter “T”
  • Strong glue (recommended E6000) or hot glue


  • Paint the wooden board purple.
  • Paint the small wooden letters yellow.
  • Cut the bandanas in half to make 14 bandanas of each color.
  • Tie bandanas on wire wreath, alternating colors.
    • One color goes on the outer wires and one on the inner. The example wreath shows purple on the outer, yellow on the inner.
  • Fluff out the purple bandanas to appear as the dominant color.
  • Once the paint has dried for the letters and board, glue the letters on the board. Place a heavy book on top to dry.
  • Center the 8-inch letter “T” in the middle of the wreath.
  • Glue the wooden board with the “Tech” letters to the large “T”. Place a heavy book on top to dry.
  • Glue the sides of the wooden board and the bottom of the “T” to the bandanas on the wreath. Place a heavy book on top to dry.
  • Once dry, hang and admire your work!

Downloadable Instructions available Here!

*We purchased all of the supplies for this wreath at Hobby Lobby. Don’t forget to use a 40% off coupon!

Source: Wreath idea and directions adapted from

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