TTUPA - Newsletter - The Oracle Turns 100

The Oracle Turns 100

printed edition of the oracleCurrently technology is as advanced as ever, news spreads at lightning speed on social media and newspapers are becoming a thing of the past, but Tennessee Tech continues to keep tradition alive with The Oracle.

The Oracle is a newspaper that is solely written, edited and distributed by current students here on campus. This newspaper is published nine times a semester and is distributed on Fridays. Topics are much like any other town newspaper including articles featuring sports, upcoming events, student/faculty stories, advertising, classifieds ads and more.

The Oracle celebrates 100 years in print on April 24. Before the Oracle began, however, Dixie College’s original publication was called “The Tech Dynamo.” Though rebranded, The Oracle is held near and dear to our hearts. This was made clear when last year’s Giving Tuesday was mainly targeted toward raising funds for the program and Golden Eagle supporters banded together to make it the most successful yet, donating over 200 gifts in a 24-hour period.

If you or your student ever find yourself wanting to grab a piece of history as memorabilia, copies of The Oracle can be found on the ground floor of the Roaden University Center, by Starbucks and Swoops Food Court. Students can even enter their own stories, news or advertisements by emailing them at

“Support the Oracle on Giving Tuesday” — Tech Times »

The Oracle »


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