Research & Economic Development - Getting Started

Research & Economic Development

Getting Started

  1. Consult with IRB website definitions to determine if your project meets the definition of research with human subjects. DEFINITIONS | IRB DECISION FLOW CHART
  2. If your project meets the definition of human subjects research, complete the IRB Application for Research Involving Human Subjects (and include a Certificate of Completion of CITI Training, a copy of informed consent, a copy of the research instrument, letter(s) of permission from participating agencies, and any other pertinent material). FORMS
  3. Consult with your Departmental Reviewer (or, if a student, your faculty supervisor) to determine the level of IRB review required for your research. LEVELS OF REVIEW | CERTIFIED DEPARTMENTAL REVIEWERS
  4. If not already done, complete the CITI Program training in human subjects research required of all researchers with human subjects. REQUIRED TRAINING
  5. If your proposal requires written informed consent, consult the informed consent page on this website for information and assistance. INFORMED CONSENT PAGE
  6. If you have specific questions about the application process for approval, contact the Tennessee Tech Research & Economic Development for assistance. (931-372-3374).
  7. Obtain necessary signatures on IRB forms.
  8. Submit one packet of the assembled documents to Research & Economic Development.  Applications may be either delivered to Derryberry Hall, Room 433, Mailed to Box 5164, or scanned and emailed to Note: All signatures must be original; no typed or cut and pasted signatures will be accepted.
  9. For Exempt research, Research & Economic Development will determine that all necessary forms have been submitted. You will receive notification of approval within one week.
  10. For Expedited review of research, your proposal will be reviewed by members of the IRB. You can expect to receive communication regarding the IRB decision by email in about three weeks. If your proposal is not approved, you will receive instructions by email from the IRB regarding what to do next.
  11. For Full Board review of research, your proposal will be reviewed at the next scheduled meeting of the Tennessee Tech IRB. The IRB holds two regular meetings each semester. You may be contacted for more information, or be invited to the IRB meeting to answer questions regarding your proposal.
  12. Upon approval of your proposal by Expedited or Full Board review, you will receive official notification of approval by email, including the official approval date.
  13. Following notification of approval, you may begin contacts with human subjects and collection of data from human subjects.
  14. For IRB applications approved through Expedited or Full Board review, approval extends for one calendar year from the approval date. If you anticipate that your data collection will extend beyond one year, complete and submit a Request for Continuation/Change For at least two weeks in advance of the expiration date. FORMS
  15. If changes need to be made to an approved application, complete and submit a Request for Continuation/Change Form. FORMS
  16. After approval, if you wish to make any changes to the procedures outlined in your original proposal, you must get approval from the IRB for those changes BEFORE you may implement them. Complete and submit a Request for Continuation/Change Form. FORMS

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