Office of Sponsored Programs - Use of Central Computer on Contracts and Grants

Office of Sponsored Programs

The central computer is frequently used in the performance of contracts/grants either as a funded item or as an element of voluntary or involuntary cost sharing. If computer usage is anticipated, funded or unfunded, it must be documented.

The use of the D. W. Mattson central computer facilities on contracts/grants is encouraged and, if allowable by the funding source, costs are to be included in the direct cost category.

If the computer usage is funded, computer use charges and associated personnel costs are to be shown as a budgeted direct charge in the contract/grant. The generated income will be transferred to the D. W. Mattson Computer Center account.

If the computer usage is not funded by the agency but is anticipated on the project, the usage is identified as cost sharing. Records of such cost-shared computer usage are to be kept for audit purposes.

The Computer Center periodically provides Research & Economic Development with updated cost factors for use in preparing budgets for contracts/grants. The Office distributes these rates to the College Research Liaison Officers and others.

A completed "Request for Computer Services" form must accompany the Grant Activation Form when the project is activated.

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