Golden Eagle Travel - 2023 Rose Parade Trip Press Release

Crawford Alumni Center

Tennessee Tech alumni experience Tournament of Roses Parade

A rose parade floatSeveral Tennessee Tech alumni and friends recently traveled to California for the 2023 Tournament of Roses Parade and say they are grateful to the university for allowing them to experience the parade with other Golden Eagles.

Tech’s Crawford Alumni Center has partnered with several companies to offer group travel opportunities. The five-day Rose Parade trip included tours of San Diego, Mission San Juan Capistrano, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach and more. The highlight of the trip was seeing the Rose Parade from reserved grandstand seats.

John Bulla, `70 civil engineering, and his wife Linda, say they are glad they decided to travel to California with Tech.

“The trip exceeded all of our expectations,” the Bullas said. “It was action packed. We have never been on a package trip. Because it was from Tech, we were assured that we could trust that all would be okay. Generally, we are stay-at-home people and normally count the days until we get back home. The trip was so much fun that we never had time to think about going home and gladly would have stayed a few more days. We will consider other travel with Tech in the future as programs are announced.”

Rose Parade attendees from Tech

Kelly Chambers, assistant director of the Crawford Alumni Center, says that while the Crawford Alumni Center’s Golden Eagle Travel program is still fairly new, it’s growing quickly.

“We have been pleasantly surprised by the amount of interest in alumni group travel,” Chambers said. “Our first trip, Utah’s Mighty National Parks, sold out. And we already have a dozen alumni signed up for our South Dakota trip this summer. It’s always nice to travel with people you have something in common with. Even if the alumni don’t know each on day one, by the end of the week they’re talking and joking around like they’ve known each other for years!”

The Crawford Alumni Center has additional Golden Eagle Travel opportunities planned for 2023 and 2024 including a six-night Black Hills, Badlands and Mount Rushmore trip July 26-Aug. 1, 2023, a four-night Montreal and Quebec City Christmas Markets trip Dec. 7-11, 2023, and African Safari trips to Tanzania in Sept. 2023 and Feb. 2024.

more information about future travel opportunities

Crawford Alumni Center

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