The Alumnus - Feature Story

The Alumnus

Tennessee Tech’s Giving Tuesday honors 100 years of The Oracle newspaper 

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Tennessee Tech celebrated its most successful Giving Tuesday in history on Nov. 28 when it asked alumni and friends to honor 100 years of free speech, campus news and experiential learning by making a gift to The Oracle student newspaper. The very first “Tech Oracle” was published on April 24, 1924 and in 2024, it will turn 100. On Giving Tuesday, more than 150 alumni and friends made a gift to help fund the print and online versions of the newspaper, resulting in the most gifts Tech has ever received on a Giving Tuesday.

The Oracle staff in 1969“The Oracle turns 100 only once,” said Kathleen Lordo, digital media coordinator for the Crawford Alumni Center. “Giving Tuesday was the perfect opportunity to honor 100 years and ensure that this important campus tradition can continue for future generations. The fact that so many alumni and friends made a gift shows how important Tech’s newspaper is to the university. Whether alumni were members of The Oracle staff or simply remember reading the newspaper, it was part of their college experience.”

Gus Creter, a communication major and copy editor for The Oracle, says he is grateful for the opportunities the newspaper provides.

“The fact that The Oracle is celebrating its 100-year anniversary is amazing because it means that this piece of media that some people have decided has gone out of style is, at least here at Tennessee Tech, going strong,” Creter said. “We are putting out great issues with a really solid team behind them.”

The Oracle also encourages interdisciplinary learning and collaboration among majors; not all staff members major in communication. Lilly Davis serves as a photographer for The Oracle and is a human ecology major.

“I love being able to capture the pure and raw moments in campus life and share those photos with students and see how happy it makes them,” Davis said.

Bee Goodman, a communication major and managing editor for The Oracle, says she wishes to thank everyone who reads and supports the newspaper.

The Oracle staff in 2023

“My favorite thing about working on The Oracle is being able to make this mark on history while also being able to keep in touch with the community,” Goodman said. “I find that these stories start out as small things and blossom into something more. I am happy that I am able to be here and get real experience and make real connections with The Oracle, the community, the nation and more.”

Visit the Giving Tuesday webpage to learn more.

While Giving Tuesday concluded on Nov. 28, it’s not too late to make a gift to The Oracle or any other area on campus. 

make a gift to the oracle

The Crawford Alumni Center


Giving to Tennessee Tech