True To Tech Stories - Brent Waugh

True To Tech

True To Tech Stories

The Waugh Family is standing on their front porch. Brent is holding their pet dog and Megan is holding baby Willow.

Brent Waugh

`04 psychology
11 years True To Tech

Pictured to the left: Brent, Megan, and Willow Waugh



Why are you True To Tech?

I am True To Tech because I believe in the power of postsecondary education -- a degree from Tennessee Tech changed my life. I know that my support makes that life-changing experience possible for a new generation of Eagles, and annual donations from alumni show how much we care about TTU, including its students, programs and campus. 

What area(s) on campus do you support? 

I support a number of areas, including the diversity scholarship, the Eagle Assistance Grant, and the True To Tech Fund.

Why do you choose to support these areas specifically?

It's important that my family's donations go to the areas of greatest need for the University and to providing a college education for students who might not otherwise be able to attend college. Access to education is extremely important to me. 

What inspired you to give?

I am inspired to give because scholarship funds made it possible for me to attend Tennessee Tech and complete my degree. I know that my family's annual support of TTU, even at a small level, has great collective impact alongside the donations of thousands of other alumni.