Undergraduate Admissions - Credit by Exam: ACT

Credit for ACT Exams

Entering students and regularly enrolled students may obtain credit in certain courses by obtaining high ACT scores or equivalent SAT scores:

ACT English sub-test score of 27-30: ENGL 1010

ACT English sub-test score of 31 or higher: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020

Credit obtained through high test scores on ACT, SAT, CLEP and PLTW receive a grade of “S” for satisfactory and does not affect the student’s GPA. Up to 60 semester hours of credit may be obtained through any combination of AP tests, military equivalency credits, correspondence courses, special departmental examinations, and extension courses.


Tennessee Tech Admissions

FAFSA: 003523 — ACT: 4012 — SAT: 1804

Mailing Address:
Tennessee Tech University
Office of Admissions
Campus Box 5006
Cookeville, TN 38505-0001

Physical Address:
Jere Whitson, rm 208
805 Quadrangle
Cookeville, TN 38505

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8 AM to 4:30 PM Central


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