Credit by Exam: CLEP
Credit obtained through high test scores on ACT, SAT, CLEP and PLTW receive a grade of “S” for satisfactory and does not affect the student’s GPA. Up to 60 semester hours of credit may be obtained through any combination of AP tests, military equivalency credits, correspondence courses, special departmental examinations, and extension courses.
CLEP (College Level Examination Program)
Students may wish to earn credit by examination for prior knowledge they have in an area of study. One way to obtain credit based on examination is to take course examinations in the CLEP. Students may receive credit for certain CLEP examinations with an acceptable score. Credit is not given for the general examinations. For information on specific tests and credit awarded, see the table at the bottom of the page.
PLTW (Project Lead the Way Credit)
ENGR 1210 (1 credit hour) will be awarded to secondary school students who participate in “Project Lead the Way” and achieved a minimum grade of 70% on the nationalized “Final Exam on Principles of Engineering.” The requesting student will need to have their scores sent to Tennessee Tech.
Credit by Examination
A student who has had sufficient training or experience in a subject to merit the establishment of credit by comprehensive examination, but who has not enrolled in the same, comparable, or higher-level course at the college level, may request the privilege of taking a special examination prepared by the department involved. A grade will be recorded on their permanent record.
Non-Credit Courses and Professional Certification
Academic credit may be awarded on occasion for professional certification or non-credit courses. Requests for the award of such credit must be submitted to the appropriate department chairpersons. As the executor of departmental policy, they will evaluate the request and submit a recommendation to the college dean and Office of Records for final approval.
Scaled Scores on CLEP Tests and Equivalent Tech Courses and Credits
Effective September 1, 2019
*To receive credit for the examination, the exam must be taken prior to enrolling
in basic engineering, decision science or computer science course.
**The CLEP essay is required.
FAFSA: 003523 — ACT: 4012 — SAT: 1804
Mailing Address:
Tennessee Tech University
Office of Admissions
Campus Box 5006
Cookeville, TN 38505-0001
Physical Address:
Jere Whitson, rm 208
805 Quadrangle
Cookeville, TN 38505
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8 AM to 4:30 PM Central