Army ROTC - Military Science Class Overview

Military Science Class Overview

MS III ClassMilitary Science (MS) classes are held once a week for 1.5 – 2 hours each session depending on MS level. Military Cadre members with years of operational experience in the Army are the primary instructors for the course. The MS classes are similar to other college classes in that there is a syllabus, quizzes, tests, homework assignments, and grades, but the content is focused on leadership development, military skills, time management, operational planning, and other areas essential for future Army officers. MS classes are part of the University’s course catalog and grades count as part of the Grade Point Average like any other class at the university. 

Lower Division

Military Science Level I (MS I - Freshmen)

As an MS I Cadet (First Year), you will focus on the roles and mission of the Army. You will also examine Army customs, traditions, and other basic skills.

Fall Semester

- MS 1000, Basic Physical Conditioning (1 credit hour)

- MS 1010, Basic Military Science I/Lab (2 credit hours)

Spring Semester
- MS 1001, Basic Physical Conditioning (1 credit hour)

- MS 1020, Basic Military Science I /Lab (2 credit hours)

Military Science Level II (MS II - Sophomore)

As an MS II Cadet (Second Year), you will examine leadership fundamentals and principles in both theory and practice. The course emphasizes formulation of military values, principles, and leadership.

Fall Semester
- MS 2000, Basic Physical Conditioning (1 credit hour)

- MS 2010, Basic Military Science II Lecture /Lab (2 credit hours)

Spring Semester
- MS 2001, Basic Physical Conditioning (1 credit hour)

- MS 2020, Basic Military Science II Lecture /Lab (2 credit hours)

*Students incur no military obligation by attending Basic Course Military Science classes during their freshman and/or sophomore years. After the Basic Course, you can progress to the Advanced Course.

Upper Division

MS III’s (Juniors)

As an MS III Cadet (Third Year), you will focus on adaptive leadership skills and challenge them through scenarios related to military operations, and other real world circumstances. Throughout the year, your will develop your tactical leadership abilities in order for you to succeed during Advanced Camp, which is the 5-week leadership development assessment held at Fort Knox, KY each summer. 

Fall Semester
- MS 3000, Advanced Physical Conditioning (1 credit hour)

- MS 3010, Small Unit Leadership Lecture/Lab (3 credit hours)

Spring Semester
- MS 3001, Advanced Physical Conditioning (1 credit hour)

- MS 3020, Small Unit Operations Lecture/Lab (3 credit hours) 

MS IV’s (Seniors)

As an MS IV Cadet (Fourth Year), you will learn to train, mentor, and evaluate underclassman Cadets, to apply Army leader values and ethics in decision making, and learn about the duties and responsibilities related to Officership.

Fall Semester

- MS 4000, Advanced Physical Conditioning (1 credit hour)

- MS 4010, Leadership, Management & Ethics Lecture/Lab (3 credit hours)

Spring Semester
- MS 4001, Advanced Physical Conditioning (1 credit hour)

- MS 4020, Transition to Lieutenant Lecture/Lab (3 credit hours)

**Note: Students must register for both the Physical Conditioning and lecture/lab classes to be enrolled in ROTC. Only students meeting the Basic and Advanced course requirements will receive a Military Science minor upon graduation.


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