ASPIRES - Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is sexual assault? Sexual violence is an umbrella term which encompasses sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.   

  • What does it mean to be a confidential resource?                                     Confidential resources do not have to report what you share with them to university officials or police. They provide crisis intervention, support, and a safe place to talk without judgment. Confidential resources are still obligated to report or break confidentiality in three circumstances: (1) threat of harm to self or others, (2) suspected or known child or elder abuse, and (3) judge-signed court orders.   

  • What if illegal substances are involved, will I get in trouble?   
    From the Dean of Students Regarding Student Conduct & Guidance for Students Reporting Emergencies (Link to Dean of Students, Student Conduct Page ). Tennessee Tech values our students' health, safety, and well-being and, therefore, expects students to report emergency situations to appropriate officials, including those involving alcohol, drugs, or acts of violence, in accordance with Policy 302 (Student Conduct). 
    Students who contact the appropriate officials, for themselves or others, during a health or safety emergency will generally not be subject to substantial disciplinary consequences such as suspension or expulsion unless the reporting parties have engaged in repeated or serious violations of the student conduct policy or law. 
    In any case, students will be required to meet with a Tennessee Tech staff member to discuss the behavior and may be subject to disciplinary outcomes that are educational in nature, such as programs or workshops. 

  • What is consent?                                                                                     Consent is a clear and unambiguous agreement to participate in a sexual activity. Consent must be freely given, ongoing, informed, sober, and it can be withdrawn at any time. Past consent does not imply future consent.  

  • How do I help somebody I care about? 

    If someone you care about tells you that they’ve experienced sexual violence, here are some things you can do to help:

Listen. Try not to rush them; let them tell you whatever they want to tell you and avoid asking questions since that may be perceived as judgmental or blaming.
Provide Choices. Sexual violence is all about power and control, and no one ever chooses to be victimized. Therefore, it is a good idea to provide choices to survivors so they can restore their sense of power and control. This may mean you let them make small choices - such as where to go for dinner. It also may be helpful for you to let them know they could seek mental health resources, medical attention, and/or report what they've experienced. 
Believe them! Let the survivor know you are there and support them. Statistically speaking, they are probably telling you the truth.
Safety first. It is okay to ask someone you care about if they feel safe now. If that answer is no, explore safety options together like calling the police, contacting the university, or utilizing a 24/7 hotline.
Maintain confidentiality. This person trusted you with their story, so it is important that you do not violate that trust. Maintain their privacy unless you are worried about harm to self or others.
Resist revenge. It is completely normal to be angry that someone you care about was hurt. Acting on those feelings, however, is not justified. Seeking revenge may put you and/or the survivor in harm’s way, and it also takes more power and control away from the survivor.
Still stuck? Reach out to ASPIRES to explore options of how to help and to get support for yourself. 

  • Why do you say “survivor” when someone is a victim of sexual assault? 

    Using the term “victim” or “survivor” is a personal choice, and neither is wrong. The legal system often uses the term victim since they are focused on the crime that has happened. Many advocacy services will use the term “survivor” instead to focus on how strong someone is despite experiencing horrific trauma.   

    Who commits acts of unwanted sexual contact? 

    Individuals who commit sexual violence are called perpetrators. Anyone can be a perpetrator of sexual violence, and perpetrators are all genders, ages, races, identities, etc. Perpetrators are most often someone the victim or survivor knows and/or have established trust with. Sexual violence is all about power and control, and it is never the survivor’s fault. 

  • Who is responsible for sexual violence? The perpetrator is the only person responsible for sexual violence. The survivor is never to blame.

  • Why do perpetrators commit acts of sexual assault? 

    Committing sexual violence is a choice that perpetrators make. It isn’t because they “can’t control themselves” or they’re “crazy.” It is about power and control. 

  • Who experiences sexual unwanted sexual touching? 

    Anyone can experience sexual violence. It impacts people of all genders, ages, races, identities, etc. Regardless of who the victim or survivor is, sexual violence is never the victim or survivor’s fault. 

  • What can I do to help prevent sexual assault? 

    Often when unwanted sexual contact occurs, there are other people that are bystanders who do nothing. Instead, preventing sexual assault can be done by speaking up if you witness violence or injustice. This can be as simple as calling out a friend who uses demeaning and disrespectful language or behavior such as whistling and yelling sexually suggestive comments at someone. Or it could be making sure everyone gets home safe by going out as a group and going home as a group.


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ASPIRES Contact Information:
8:00am-4:30pm, Monday - Friday: 931-372-6566;                                          Nights/weekends/holidays through the Eagle Eye Crisis Hotline: 855-206-8997

ASPIRES Office is located in Bell Hall Room 254, 10 W 7th Street, Cookeville, TN 38501. Office Hours are 8:00am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday