Master of Accountancy Program for Aspiring CPAs
The College of Business at Tennessee Tech is proud to offer a hybrid MAcc program
that allows students to simultaneously earn a Master's degree and sit for the Certified
Public Accountant’s (CPA) exam. Tennessee Tech’s hybrid MAcc program is the first
of its kind available in the state of Tennessee! The program prepares students for
successful careers in accounting, with an emphasis on professional certification and
fundamental business skills. While the majority of the program’s content is delivered
online, the online content is supplemented with two weekend residencies to benefit
our working professionals. The residencies focus on professional development, peer
networking, and application of content.
Our MAcc program students will receive course credit for the preparation and completion
of the four parts of the CPA exam (Business Environment and Concepts, Audit, Regulation,
and Financial Accounting and Reporting). This allows students to prepare and sit for
the CPA as part of their comprehensive program of study. Participants in the program
will pay the same tuition and fees as students in our traditional online MBA program,
with the only additional cost being Becker CPA exam preparation materials. The successful
hybrid structure and professional certification opportunities make the Tennessee Tech
MAcc program immensely valuable to prospective MAcc and COB students.