Grant Accounting
What We Do
Our staff assists faculty and departments that have been awarded externally sponsored,
restricted-use funds for research, instruction, academic support, or public service.
All accounts awarded to Tennessee Tech are monitored by Grant Accounting for the
life of the grant.
- Establish restricted FOAPAL for each externally sponsored grant award
- Monitor budget/approve expenses in Eagle Buy
- Invoice grant expenses monthly and/or quarterly
- Prepare and submit Federal SF425 quarterly reports
- Prepare SEFA, NSF, and other restricted reports
- Monitor grants for overspending and coordinate with bookkeepers and principal investigators on resolution
- Approve subrecipient contracts in Eagle Buy system
- Prepare and disseminate effort reports on a semester basis
- Prepare labor distribution change forms based on activations and serve as payroll liaison
- Conduct bookkeeper trainings and monthly meetings
- Gather closeout forms and perform closeout of all grant awards