Graduate Program Handbook
A supplement to the Student Handbook and the Graduate Studies Handbook, the Community
Health and Nutrition Future Education Model Graduate Program Handbook for 2023-24
is available as a downloadable PDF below. Information for prospective students, including
admission requirements and TN Tech’s policy for equitable treatment and non-discrimination,
can be found in the program handbook.
Community Health and Nutrition Graduate Program Handbook
- Accreditation Status
Tennessee Tech University’s Community Health and Nutrition graduate program is accredited
by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190
Chicago, IL 60606-6995, (312) 899-0040 ext. 5400.
- Mission, Goals, and Objectives
Mission: The Community Health and Nutrition Graduate Program seeks to prepare competent nutrition
professionals through an integrated and student-focused curriculum to practice as
a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with advanced skills in rural community health.
Goals and Objectives:
Goal 1: Graduates will be able to deliver high quality nutrition care in a variety of settings
as entry-level Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN).
- At least 80% of students complete program requirements within 3.3 years (150% of program
(RE 2.1.c.1.a)
- Of graduates who seek employment, at least 80% are employed in nutrition and dietetics
or related fields within 12 months of graduation.
- At least 80% of program graduates take the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists
within 12 months of program completion.
- The program’s one-year pass rate (graduates who pass the registration exam within
one year of first attempt) on the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists
is at least 80%.
Goal 2: Program graduates will be prepared for careers in nutrition and dietetics and will
be equipped to uniquely address the health and nutrition needs of rural communities.
- At least 80% of program graduates who respond to exit surveys will rate the quality
of the Community Health and Nutrition Graduate Program as Good to Excellent.
- At least 80% of employers who respond to employer satisfaction surveys will rate the
preparation of graduates as Good to Excellent.
- At least 80% of recent graduates will indicate that they feel more than adequately
or very well prepared to address the health and nutrition needs of rural communities.
- Pathway to Becoming a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Effective January 1, 2024, the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) will require
a minimum of a master’s degree to be eligible to take the credentialing exam to become
a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN). In order to be approved for registration
examination eligibility with a bachelor’s degree, an individual must meet all eligibility
requirements and be submitted into CDR's Registration Eligibility Processing System
(REPS) before 12:00 midnight Central Time, December 31, 2023. For more information about this requirement visit CDR's website: In addition, CDR requires that individuals complete coursework and supervised practice
in program(s) accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and
Dietetics (ACEND). Graduates who successfully complete the ACEND-accredited FEM program
at Tennessee Tech are eligible to take the CDR credentialing exam to become an RDN.
In most states, graduates also must obtain licensure or certification to practice.
While state interpretations of statutes may vary, it is ACEND's considered opinion
that the program meets the educational requirements for dietetics licensure and certification
in all states. However, completing an ACEND-accredited academic program alone does
not qualify an individual for licensure or certification as a dietitian in any state.
Individuals should review their state's licensing statutes and regulations to understand
the specific requirements, including supervised practice and examinations, needed
to obtain a dietetics license.
Learn more about state licensure and certification »
Learn more about state licensure requirements »
Learn more about educational pathways to become a RDN »
Program Outcome Data
Program outcome data is available on request. Please send a written request to Dr.
Samantha Hutson, Program Director, at or School of Human Ecology, 715 Quadrangle Drive, Campus Box 5035, Cookeville, TN
Becoming a Registered Dietitian
To become a registered dietitian nutritionist, you will need to:
- Earn a minimum of a graduate degree from an accredited dietetics program. Classes vary according to program, but in general, coursework covers subjects that
may range from food and nutrition sciences, foodservice systems management, business,
economics, computer science, culinary arts, sociology and communication to science
courses such as biochemistry, physiology, microbiology, anatomy and chemistry. A master's degree is required to be eligible for the RDN exam. Some accredited programs include a master's degree, while other students complete
their undergraduate in dietetics and earn a master's degree in another field (e.g.
public health, communications, etc.).
- Complete a supervised practice requirement. In addition, individuals must complete at least 1,000 hours of supervised practice
to gain real-world experience and apply knowledge learned in the classroom to the
context of a variety of work settings.
- Pass a national exam for RDNs. Once you complete your degrees and supervised practice, you may schedule to take
CDR's Registration Examination for Registered Dietitians to become a credentialed
as registered dietetics nutritionist. This is called "RDN eligibility," meaning you
have completed the requirements to become eligible to take the national exam.
- Meet requirements to practice in your state. Many states have regulatory laws (i.e. licensure) for food and nutrition practitioners.
All states accept the RDN credential for state licensure purposes.
- Stay up-to-date in dietetics through continuing education. After successfully passing the national exam and earning the credential, RDNs maintain
ongoing professional development in order to stay up to date on the latest research,
recommendations and best practices.
The accredited Community Health and Nutrition GP allows students to earn a master's
degree and complete the supervised practice necessary to sit for the national registration
While state interpretations of statutes may vary, it is ACEND's considered opinion
that the program meets the educational requirements for dietetics licensure and certification
in all states. However, completing an ACEND-accredited academic program alone does
not qualify an individual for licensure or certification as a dietitian in any state.
Individuals should review their state's licensing statutes and regulations to understand
the specific requirements, including supervised practice and examinations, needed
to obtain a dietetics license. More information about state licensure and certification
can be found at this link: State Licensure.
From the Commission on Dietetic Registration:
Forty-seven states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia currently have statutory
provisions regulating the dietetics profession or associated titles such as dietitian
and nutritionist. In Tennessee, registered dietitian/nutritionists are required to
apply for an receive licensure from the State of Tennessee’s Board of Dietitian/Nutritionist
Examiners. Requirements for licensure in each state can be found here.
- Tuition and Other Fees
Per the College of Graduate Studies at Tennessee Tech (May, 2024):
Estimated tuition for Fall/Spring semesters for a 9 credit course load:
$5,376 for in-state
$6,636 for out-of-state
$11,910 for international out-of state
*Nine hours in considered full time.
Estimated tuition for Summer semester for a 6 credit course load:
$3,774 for in-state
$4,614 for out-of-state
$8,130 for international out-of-state
For more information on current tuition and fees for the graduate program visit the Bursar's website.
Other anticipated fees:
- Background Check with TrueScreen: $25.00
- Student Liability Insurance: included as part of registration fees during the semester
this course is taken: approximately $12.00-$15.00
- Proof of Health Insurance: varies based on personal monthly premium
- Current immunizations and proof of TB test: varies
- Drug Test: may be required at some facilities: varies
- Students will be placed at a variety of health care facilities within Tennessee and
possibly surrounding states, depending on the student’s location. Each health care
facility has its own requirements for student volunteers. Some facilities require
drug testing prior to beginning the experiential learning, and students should be
prepared to submit to this drug testing and pay the testing costs.
- Account with Typhon: $100.00; one-time fee.
- Textbooks: varies; approximately $200.00 per semester.
- Travel costs: varies depending on the location of the experiential learning site.
Sites will typically be located within one hour of the home address provided by the
student. The Experiential Learning Coordinator will work with each student to place
them at the location most convenient for them that will provide them with the experience
they need to achieve the competencies.
- Lab coat: approximately $25.00
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics student membership fee: $58.00. It is highly recommended
that each student be a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Many assignments
will utilize aspects of the AND website that are only accessible with a current membership.
- Attendance at Tennessee Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual meeting (conference
registration, one night hotel, travel): approximately $250, one-time
- Laptop, if not already owned: approximately $400
- Approximate cost of rent and utilities in Cookeville, TN: $1,000 per month
- Physical Exam for medical clearance: varies, based on personal insurance
- Fuel expense each semester: approximately $500
- CPR/First Aid Certification: approximately $45
- Total Clinical Placement System (TCPS) required for certain locations: $50.00 for
initial placement, $25.00 for each additional placement. Cost is subject to change.
Note: Extra costs may be incurred due to additional immunizations, drug testing, or background
check requirements that are enforced by the individual supervised experiential learning
TN Tech Financial Aid
- Application and Admission Requirements
Application and Admission Requirements
Per TN Tech’s College of Graduate Studies, admission to the College of Graduate Studies is open to anyone holding a Bachelor's or Master's degree from an accredited college
or university. A foreign degree must be equivalent to a U.S. Bachelor’s degree and
must be accredited by its regional or national accreditation agency or Ministry of
Higher Education. Applicants should have completed undergraduate or graduate work
of sufficient quality and scope to enable them to successfully pursue graduate study.
Tennessee Tech University offers equal educational opportunity to all persons, without
regard to race, religion, sex, age, creed, color, national origin, or disability.
Students are admitted to Tennessee Tech University through a cooperative effort of
the Graduate College and the departments, colleges, and schools of the University.
When the Graduate College receives the student's application material, an official
file is established. The department then reviews the application file and makes a
recommendation to the Graduate College. The Graduate College notifies applicants as
soon as a decision has been reached.
Applicants must submit the following for admission consideration:
- The online application for graduate admission and non-refundable application fee;
- Official transcripts of undergraduate and graduate credit from all institutions attended;
- Undergraduate degrees accepted include: nutrition, dietetics, public health, kinesiology,
health sciences, nursing, psychology, human development and family studies, family
and consumer sciences, and biobehavioral health. Other undergraduate degrees not specifically
listed here will be reviewed based on transcript content;
- Prerequisite undergraduate coursework must include an introductory nutrition course
(equivalent to Tennessee Tech's HEC 2020 Nutrition for Health Sciences); one advanced
nutrition course (higher level than introductory nutrition); must have a "B" or better
in these two nutrition courses;
- Undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale;
- References (2) — when you submit your application, provide contact information for
two references. An email will then be sent to these references to complete an online
recommendation form. Your application is not completed until these recommendation
forms are submitted by your references;
- Questions — you will need to indicate on your graduate application if you are applying
online to the MS Degree in Community Health and Nutrition or both the Degree and the
optional Experiential Learning Track — the Experiential Learning Track has additional
admission requirements;
- Resume — upload your resume (no more than 2 pages);
- Student Health Form;
- Personal Statement — upload a separate document which includes the following: state
why you have the abilities, experiences, skills, and knowledge to succeed in our degree
program. Your statement should demonstrate why you are interested in this graduate
degree program and how it will help you meet career goals. Please limit your statement
to 1,200 words or fewer and use 12-point font, single-spaced format. Specifically
address the following questions in your personal statement:
- What are your professional goals? Elaborate on future career plans and the motivation
for pursuing a MS in Community Health and Nutrition;
- In what ways will the MS in Community Health and Nutrition build upon your current
skill set?
- Why are you a good fit for this degree program?
- Elaborate on your unique story which motivates you to seek this graduate degree.
Applicants are selected on a competitive basis and, therefore, admission is not granted
to all applicants who meet only the minimum requirements.
In addition to the requirements for admission to the MS in Community Health and Nutrition
degree as stated above, applicants who want to also be admitted to the Experiential
Learning Track must provide:
- Evidence of Work/Volunteer Experience — documentation of 300 hours of work or volunteer
experience completed within four years of application is preferred. Of the 300 hours,
at least 200 hours must be in a nutrition- or dietetics-related field. You will be
required to complete the Experiential Track Supplemental Form to document your experiences.
This form will be uploaded with your Graduate application and is available here: Online Forms
- Prerequisite coursework — for applicants who do not have a Verification Statement
from an ACEND-accredited Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD), the following prerequisite
coursework must have been completed within five years from an accredited institution:
- Introductory Nutrition course equivalent to Tennessee Tech's HEC 2020 Nutrition for
Health Sciences
- Advanced Nutrition course (higher level than Introductory Nutrition)
- Organic Chemistry
- Microbiology or Biochemistry
- Experiential Foods, Food Preparation, Quantity Food Production, or Foodservice Management
- Additionally, students must have a grade of B or better in each of the nutrition courses
and a grade of C or better in the science courses.
- DPD Verification Statement — for students with a Bachelor's degree from an ACEND-accredited
Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD), you will be required to upload your DPD Verification
statement, or an Intent to Complete form or letter from the DPD director stated courses
to be completed, with your Graduate application.
- Personal Statement: in addition to the questions listed above for the Personal Statement,
applicants for the Experiential Learning Track should include why they are pursuing
the Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist (RDN) credential.
- Candidates for admission to the Experiential Learning Track will be required to participate
in a virtual (face-to-face) interview via a video conferencing platform.
Individual program requirements are described in the Tennessee Tech University Graduate
Catalog and on department websites. Requirements are subject to change. The Graduate
College no longer accepts hard-copy (paper) applications.
Application deadline for the FEM graduate program: December 15
Application deadlines for the degree only cohort aligns with deadlines set by the
TN Tech College of Graduate Studies. Application deadlines for degree-only seeking students varies based on the semester
you wish to enroll. Application deadlines can be found here: TN Tech College of Graduate Studies: How to Apply. Those interested in the supervised experiential learning necessary to become a registered
dietitian/nutritionist must apply by the December 15 deadline for a Fall start date.
If the cohort of 10 does not fill, applications can be submitted until April 15.
The current rate for the nonrefundable graduate application fee is $35.00 for domestic
applicants and $40.00 for international applicants. Applications received without the application fee will not be processed.
All credentials become the property of the University and will not be forwarded or
returned. If the applicant does not enroll, credentials will be maintained in active
files for 1 year, after which they will be destroyed. After that time, candidates
must reapply for admission and submit a new set of credentials if they wish to be
admitted to the Graduate College. Students who do not enroll for a Fall or Spring
semester must apply for readmission.
For more information, please visit the Graduate Studies page.
- Academic Calendar and Program of Study
The academic year at Tennessee Tech University is divided into three consecutive terms:
Fall Term, Spring Term, and Summer Term, each of which is 15 weeks long. All official
academic events for the academic year and published in the academic calendar. The
TN Tech academic calendar can be found here:
The TN Tech Community Health and Nutrition Future Graduate program schedule follows
the university calendar with classes offered in fall, spring and summer sessions.
Holidays are determined by the university. Students will participate in experiential
learning practicums in the Spring 1, Summer 1, and Fall 2 semesters. During these
semesters, the students’ experiential learning practice hours will be similar to that
of the preceptor the student is assigned to at the time. During clinical and ambulatory
rotations, students can expect to work normal business hours, approximately 40 hours
per week. Rotations in foodservice management may require the student to work early
morning and late evening shifts on various days.
In addition, experiential learning takes place in each didactic course, each semester,
and may require the student to be available to go to an experiential learning site.
Program of Study:
Fall 1 Courses – 9 credits
Experiential Learning Credits – 0 credits
HEC 5010 Principles of Nutrition Research
(3 credits)
No experiential learning courses this semester.
HEC 5025 Cultural Issues Influencing Health (3 credits)
HEC 5015 Perspectives in Rural Community Health (3 credits)
Spring 1 Courses – 9 credits
Experiential Learning Credits – 3 credits
HEC 6201 Community Nutrition Programs and Services (3 credits)
HEC 6250 Experiential Learning Practicum: Foodservice and Extended Care (3 credits)
HEC 6225 Advanced Applications of Counseling Techniques (3 credits)
Summer 1 Courses – 0 credits
Experiential Learning Credits – 6 credits
HEC 6251 Experiential Learning Practicum: Community Nutrition (3 credits)
HEC 6252 Experiential Learning Practicum: Clinical Nutrition (3 credits)
Fall 2 Courses – 6 credits
Experiential Learning Credits – 3 credits
HEC 6405 Nutrition Across the Life Cycle (3 credits)
HEC 6253 Experiential Learning Practicum: Elective Experience (3 credits)
HEC 6410 Nutrition and Aging (3 credits)
Spring 2 Courses – 9 credits
Experiential Learning Credits – 0 credits
HEC 6430 Community Health and Nutrition Capstone (3 credits)
No experiential learning courses this semester.
HEC 6440 Leadership, Advocacy, and Nutrition Policy (3 credits)
PRST 6540 Health Informatics (3 credits)
Total Credits: 30/360 hours*
Total Credits: 12 credits/648 hours
Total SEL Hours: 1,068 - 1,080
*Students also earn 15 hours of alternative experiential learning hours in each practicum
course. The didactic and supervised practice courses must be taken in a planned sequence.
In addition, each course is offered only once during the academic year, therefore,
any departure from completing a course in its planned sequence will result in a one-year
delay in completing the course, the remaining program requirements, and the year of
Graduation and Program Completion Requirements
To earn the Master's degree is Community Health and Nutrition and Verification Statement
(if pursuing), the student must:
- Complete all didactic graduate courses and supervised experiential learning rotations
and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
- Complete experiential learning assignments and site visit placements with a score
of “5 Competent” or above on faculty and preceptor assessments.
- Perform in a professional and ethical manner.
Graduation information is available in the College of Graduate Studies Student Handbook. Additional details relating to graduation can be obtained here.
Financial Aid: The Community Health and Nutrition Graduate Program has one graduate assistantship
position available. If you are interested in applying, please reach out to Dr. Hutson
at Students may also apply to other graduate assistantship positions on campus.
Scholarships: The TN Tech scholarship application is due each year on December 15.
- Requirements and Distance Education
The Community Health and Nutrition GP will use online technologies and learning management
systems to deliver didactic course content. However, the experiential learning portions
of this degree requires onsite availability throughout the entire program. Therefore,
a distance learning option is not offered for the 12 credits of experiential learning.
Supervised experiential learning is incorporated throughout the program through the
use of classroom-based simulation and collaborative projects with local hospital,
long term care, and public health agencies. Throughout the program, students will
be placed at supervised experiential learning rotations in clinical nutrition, foodservice
management, and public health. After being appropriately vetted by the Community Health
and Nutrition GP Program Director and Experiential Learning Coordinator, supervised
experiential learning sites may be in various locations, with most current facilities
being in the Upper Cumberland area of Tennessee.
During the practicum courses, students may have the opportunity to travel to supervised
experiential learning sites outside of a 100 mile radius of Cookeville. Students will
be responsible for the cost of either daily travel to and from these sites or overnight
lodging. The program also has supervised experiential learning sites in and around
Nashville, Chattanooga, and Knoxville.
Use of various technology, including iLearn, Zoom, Youtube, and other software will
be utilized. Students will be expected to be competent in the use of the internet
for access to resources and databases such as the Nutrition Care Manual and the Evidence
Analysis Library. A home computer, whether laptop or desktop, will be essential, along
with Microsoft software. Tennessee Tech offers students a free download of Microsoft software.
Additional information regarding university support for distance education can be
found on the library webpage.
- Requirements for Locating Experiential Learning Sites
Students will not be required to locate their own experiential learning sites. Sites
will be located and vetted by the Program Director and Experiential Learning Coordinator.
- Credit Toward Prior Learning Experiences
Only students who are in the degree-only track may request to transfer graduate course
credits from an accredited institution to Tennessee Tech. Students must request that
the institution send official transcripts directly to TN Tech. Official transcripts
must include all grades.
All experiential learning practicum hours must be completed within the Community Health
and Nutrition graduate program. The program does not accept experiential learning
hours from other institutions, any work experience, or volunteer hours towards the
required experiential learning hours for the program. Because experiential learning
hours are earned in each didactic course, transfer credit is accepted in the Community
Health and Nutrition Graduate Program.
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